Newspaper boxes at Shaw-Howard U Metro station
Anti-War Anniversary March [10]
Silver Line bridge pier
Federal Center SW station entrance pylon [02]
Orange Line train at West Falls Church
5000-Series railcar at West Falls Church station
West Falls Church-VT/UVA station [02]
Dupont Circle Q Street entrance
Train arriving at West Falls Church-VT/UVA station
Red Line train at Metro Center
Metro Center station entrance pylon
Metrobus 5311 at Archives
Metrobus 2137 at 14th and Colorado [01]
Metrobus 2137 at 14th and Colorado [02]
Metrobus 2137 at 14th and Colorado [03]
Metrobus 2137 at L'Enfant Plaza [01]
Metrobus 2137 at L'Enfant Plaza [02]
Metrobus 2423 on Rhode Island Avenue
Metrobus 2113 at Federal Triangle [01]
Metrobus 2113 at Federal Triangle [02]
Metrobus 6517 at Federal Triangle
WMATA Northern bus garage
Metrobus 6508 at Federal Triangle
Metrobus 6379 at Friendship Heights
Friendship Heights station [03]
Friendship Heights station entrance pylon
Van Ness-UDC station [02]
Van Ness-UDC station [03]
Mt. Vernon Square station [02]
Train at Foggy Bottom-GWU station
Foggy Bottom-GWU station [02]
Metro Center station [10]
Federal Center SW station [01]
Federal Center SW station [03]
Federal Center SW station [02]
West Falls Church escalators [01]
L'Enfant Plaza station [03]
Red Line train at Gallery Place-Chinatown station
Money train at L'Enfant Plaza [01]
L'Enfant Plaza station [04]
Money train at L'Enfant Plaza [02]
Red Line train at Gallery Place
Arched ceiling at Metro Center
Red Line train at Metro Center
West Falls Church escalators [02]
Discarded latex glove
Platforms at West Falls Church station [01]
Platforms at West Falls Church station [02]
Platform at Federal Center SW station [01]
Platform at Federal Center SW station [02]
Woodley Park-Zoo station entrance pylon
Metrobus in use as a roadblock
Shaw-Howard University station entrance pylon
July 4 banner at Federal Triangle station
Federal Center SW station entrance pylon [01]
Entrance to L'Enfant Plaza station [01]
Entrance to L'Enfant Plaza station [02]
Gallery Place-Chinatown station entrance pylon
Ceiling at Van Ness-UDC station
Ceiling at Metro Center
Dupont Circle north entrance [02]
Dupont Circle north entrance [01]
Canopy at Shaw-Howard University station
Metrobus 4103 at Dupont Circle
Taxicab and Metrobus on I Street NW
Tunnel portal north of West Hyattsville station
Escalators at Foggy Bottom-GWU
Partially completed bridge pier
Escalator under repair at Federal Triangle station
Metro revenue collection train at L'Enfant Plaza
Metrobus 2809 at 7th and R Streets NW
Westbound Interstate 66 near Nutley Street
Glenmont Metro west entrance
Federal Triangle station entrance pylon
Metrobus stop flag at Rosslyn
L'Enfant Plaza upper level
Going up the escalator at Metro Center [01]
Going up the escalator at Metro Center [02]
Graffiti on wall speaker
Metrobus 2154 at 16th and P Streets