Six feet on Cloud Gate
"Be barefoot, color barefoot, live barefoot"
Charlottesville Community Chalkboard, October 15, 2020 [17]
Charlottesville Community Chalkboard, October 15, 2020 [22]
Charlottesville Community Chalkboard, October 15, 2020 [31]
"Art of Noise" sticker on a no parking sign
Graffiti on traffic signal control box in Gatineau
Graffiti on Loblaws building
Sidewalk graffiti along Rideau Street
Charlie Brown drawing at Safeway in-store Starbucks
Graffiti on "L" train support
Marker graffiti on a window
Graffiti worm on Standard Club building [01]
Graffiti worm on Standard Club building [02]
Graffiti on a boulder in Sheboygan, Wisconsin
"Stop and kiss"
Marker graffiti at East 55th Street station
Marker graffiti at East 55th Street station
"SALVAGE" license plate
Black Dog Salvage