Equestrian statue of George Washington [02]
Equestrian statue of George Washington [01]
Borf graffiti on Bobby Fisher Memorial Building
Anti-Nazi protest [02]
Anti-Nazi protest [01]
Face wearing sunglasses
Glenmont Metro west entrance
Graffiti on wall speaker
Statue of Andrew Jackson [02]
Vice City Tattoo [01]
Vice City Tattoo [02]
(Here I Stand) In the Spirit of Paul Robeson
MCV West Hospital [03]
MCV West Hospital [04]
MCV West Hospital [05]
MCV West Hospital [02]
MCV West Hospital [01]
Empire State Building from West 34th Street, facing southeast [01]
Empire State Building from West 34th Street, facing southeast [02]
Empire State Building from West 34th Street, facing southeast [03]
Empire State Building from West 34th Street, facing southeast [04]
500 Fifth Avenue [05]
500 Fifth Avenue [01]
500 Fifth Avenue [04]
500 Fifth Avenue [03]
500 Fifth Avenue [02]
500 Fifth Avenue [06]
Top of the Empire State Building [02]
Top of the Empire State Building [03]
Top of the Empire State Building [04]
Top of the Empire State Building [05]
2301 West Lawrence Avenue