- Kmart in Aspen Hill, Maryland [05]
- Kmart in Aspen Hill, Maryland [06]
- Kmart in Aspen Hill, Maryland [07]
- Kmart in Aspen Hill, Maryland [08]
- Kmart in Aspen Hill, Maryland [09]
- Kmart in Aspen Hill, Maryland [10]
- Fire alarm horn at Kmart in Aspen Hill, Maryland
- Demolition of former Vitro building
- Ellenco 5C at Hewitt Gardens [10]
- Trash memo at Hewitt Gardens Apartments
- Ellenco fire alarm bell at Hewitt Gardens [02]
- Ellenco 5C at Hewitt Gardens [09]
- Jewelry counter at Kmart in Aspen Hill, Maryland
- Aunt Jemima buttermilk pancake mix
- Closing Kmart store in Aspen Hill, Maryland [02]
- Closing Kmart store in Aspen Hill, Maryland [03]
- Ceiling air vent at the Kmart store in Aspen Hill, Maryland [01]
- Ceiling air vent at the Kmart store in Aspen Hill, Maryland [02]
- Former pharmacy at the Kmart store in Aspen Hill, Maryland [02]
- Closing Kmart store in Aspen Hill, Maryland [04]
- Former pharmacy at the Kmart store in Aspen Hill, Maryland [01]
- Closing Kmart store in Aspen Hill, Maryland [01]
- Former Aspen Hill post office
- Car wash triple foam [02]
- Car wash triple foam [01]
- National Capital Trolley Museum tracks
- Interchange between Layhill Road and MD 200
- MD 200 east of Layhill Road interchange