Bodo's Bagels sign
Platform pylon at Minnesota Avenue station [02]
Platform pylon at Minnesota Avenue station [01]
Vintage exit sign at Privacy World
Vintage Seagrave fire truck at Churchville Volunteer Fire Department [01]
Vintage Seagrave fire truck at Churchville Volunteer Fire Department [02]
Vintage Seagrave fire truck at Churchville Volunteer Fire Department [03]
Sign for Glossbrenner United Methodist Church
Sign for Jonah and the Whale parking lot
Sign for Park Place Hotel
Sign for Dunes Court
Sign for Phillips Crab House
Exit sign at 25 Penncraft Avenue [01]
Exit sign at 25 Penncraft Avenue [02]
Hershey Kiss lamppost
Intersection of Western Avenue, West Summit Hill Drive, Henley Street, and Broadway [02]
Intersection of Western Avenue, West Summit Hill Drive, Henley Street, and Broadway [01]
Light on the back of an apartment building