Parked car on Orebaugh Avenue
Ford Taurus on Glenallan Avenue
Georgia Avenue and Dennis Avenue
Hine Junior High graffiti
Walmart on Georgia Avenue NW [01]
Walmart on Georgia Avenue NW [02]
Car on Hewitt Avenue
Road flare on Maine Avenue SW [01]
Road flare on Maine Avenue SW [02]
Shell on Route 1 in Laurel, Maryland
Shell on Route 1 in Laurel, Maryland [Alternate]
Fire alarm annunciator at Safeway
Google Street View car on Pennsylvania Avenue SE
Dick's Sporting Goods in Gaithersburg, Maryland
Wiehle-Reston East
Mezzanine at Wiehle-Reston East
View from Glenmont West Garage [01]
View from Glenmont West Garage [02]
Taco Bell in Beltsville, Maryland [01]
Taco Bell in Beltsville, Maryland [02]
Vintage exit sign at Privacy World
Sprint store
China City Buffet
Taco Bell in Martinsburg
Bridge to Johnson Street parking garage
Building with hole in stucco
Metrobus 5311 at Archives
Metrobus 2137 at 14th and Colorado [01]
Metrobus 2137 at 14th and Colorado [02]
Metrobus 2137 at 14th and Colorado [03]
Metrobus 2137 at L'Enfant Plaza [01]
Metrobus 2137 at L'Enfant Plaza [02]
Metrobus 2423 on Rhode Island Avenue
Cherry blossoms in Petworth
New Hampshire Avenue in Petworth
Metrobus 2113 at Federal Triangle [01]
Metrobus 2113 at Federal Triangle [02]
"Be Someone That Makes You Happy"
Silk Road Restaurant & Bar [01]
Silk Road Restaurant & Bar [02]
Silk Road Restaurant & Bar [03]
Metrobus 6517 at Federal Triangle
Metrobus 6508 at Federal Triangle
New rowhouse in Petworth
"If you have a kind thought, share it now."
Traffic island on Hewitt Avenue
The Cosby Show house [01]
The Cosby Show house [02]
The Cosby Show house [03]
Desire path at Archives station
Sidewalk graffiti
JCPenney at Owings Mills Mall
Former A&P turned Aldi [01]
Former A&P turned Aldi [02]
Metrobus 6376 at the ICC Park and Ride
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [01]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [02]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [03]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [04]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [05]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [06]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [07]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [08]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [09]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [10]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [11]
Interior of former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [01]
Interior of former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [02]
Brick in the parking lot [01]
Brick in the parking lot [02]
Brick in the parking lot [03]
Chuck E. Cheese's at Diamond Point Plaza
Pasqually's drum
Former Hardee's restaurant at Diamond Point Plaza
Former Tandy Leather store at Diamond Point Plaza
Tandy Leather labelscar
Interior of former Tandy Leather store
7000-Series train at Fort Totten
Friendship Heights station entrance pylon
Metrobus 2204 on Dixon Avenue