Vintage US&S railroad signals [02]
Train derailer [02]
Railroad crossing signal at Route 608 [01]
Train derailer [01]
Vintage US&S railroad signals [01]
John Philip Sousa Bridge [05]
John Philip Sousa Bridge [04]
John Philip Sousa Bridge [03]
John Philip Sousa Bridge [02]
John Philip Sousa Bridge [01]
Boston Market in Aspen Hill, Maryland
"Neutering your pets makes them less nuts"
Regency Furniture Basic
Lime Scooter
7th Street and Independence Avenue SW
Aldi in Silver Spring, Maryland
Montgomery Village tunnel #11
2nd Avenue Value Stores
Vintage railroad crossbuck
East Village Avenue in snow
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [06]
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [05]
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [04]
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [03]
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [02]
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [01]
Mt. Vernon Square station [02]
Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at Toronto General Hospital [01]
Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at Toronto General Hospital [03]
Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at Toronto General Hospital [02]
Carrot Common [03]
Carrot Common [02]
Loading dock at 2180 Yonge Street
Carrot Common [01]
"No Dogs" sign
Bell Canada manhole cover [03]
Bell Canada manhole cover [02]
Bell Canada manhole cover [04]
Bell Canada manhole cover [01]
Hudson's Bay Queen Street at night [02]
Walmart North York store
Cash registers at the Walmart in North York
Walmart clothing department
Walmart Canada price sign
Walmart electronics register
2 Lynwood Avenue
C-Plus Orange at Walmart in North York
Mircom fire alarm pull station at Walmart in North York [01]
Mircom fire alarm pull station at Walmart in North York [02]
A&W root beer at Walmart in North York
Sidewalk on Avenue Road
Hudson's Bay Queen Street store [01]
Hudson's Bay Queen Street store [02]
Streetcar at Hudson's Bay Queen Street store [01]
Streetcar at Hudson's Bay Queen Street store [02]
Hudson's Bay Queen Street entrance
Signage at Times Square-42nd Street station [02]
Interlocking signal at 72nd Street on the Second Avenue Subway
Signage at Times Square-42nd Street station [01]
Signage at Times Square-42nd Street station [03]
One way and stop sign
One way sign leaving a shopping center [02]
One way sign in Altoona
One way sign leaving a shopping center [01]
Target at Georgia and Eastern Avenues NW
Green Line train at Fort Totten [03]
Minnesota Avenue station on a rainy night
Potomac Avenue station [03]
Potomac Avenue station [02]
Stop work order at Mac Business Solutions
Midtown Bethesda North Condos
Purchase limit notice
Closed water fountains
Shopping cart with table in it
Empty toilet paper aisle at Target
Closed Starbucks store at Target
Empty paper towel aisle at Target
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [05]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [12]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [11]