End of Dorsey Avenue
Alley west of North Oakley Avenue [03]
Alley west of North Oakley Avenue [02]
Alley west of North Oakley Avenue [01]
Speed hump in an alley west of North Oakley Avenue
Panhandler on North Milwaukee Avenue
Alley between North Claremont and North Oakley Avenues [01]
Alley between North Claremont and North Oakley Avenues [02]
"DO NOT ENTER" and "ONE WAY" signs [02]
Alley between North Claremont and North Oakley Avenues [03]
East Village Avenue [02]
Alleghany Foundation plaque
"DO NOT ENTER" and "ONE WAY" signs [01]
East Village Avenue [01]
Van traverses a speed hump
Street signs at Church Street and Commercial Avenue
Intersection of Western Avenue, West Summit Hill Drive, Henley Street, and Broadway [02]
Traffic signals in Derwood, Maryland [01]
West Eleventh Avenue and South George Street
Sign for State Route 188 [01]
Central Oakland
Gaithersburg, Maryland near Summit and Diamond Avenues [01]
One way sign in Altoona
Traffic signals in Derwood, Maryland [03]
Intersection of Western Avenue, West Summit Hill Drive, Henley Street, and Broadway [03]
"Pay to park, this side of street"
Sign for State Route 188 [03]
One way sign leaving a shopping center [02]
Intersection of Western Avenue, West Summit Hill Drive, Henley Street, and Broadway [01]
One way sign leaving a shopping center [01]
One way and stop sign
Sign for State Route 188 [02]
Sign for State Route 188 [06]
Sign for State Route 188 [05]
Sign indicating that traffic moves around the median
Montgomery Village Center
Gaithersburg, Maryland near Summit and Diamond Avenues [02]
Sign for State Route 188 [04]
Grandview Overlook
Shadow of the Sunsphere
Traffic signals at Clinch Avenue and Henley Street
One way and no parking signs along Chicago Avenue
Traffic signal at 4th and West Street
Horizontally-mounted traffic light in Atlantic City [04]
Horizontally-mounted traffic light in Atlantic City [02]
Traffic signal at intersection of Arctic and South Mississippi Avenues [02]
Fog on Hewitt Avenue
Horizontally-mounted traffic light in Atlantic City [03]
Intersection of Montgomery Village Avenue and Russell Avenue [05]
Traffic signal at intersection of Arctic and South Mississippi Avenues [03]
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [02]
2200 block of Atlantic Avenue
Horizontally-mounted traffic light in Atlantic City [01]
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [03]
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [05]
East Village Avenue in snow
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [06]
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [04]
Illegal parking at bus stop
"SPEED HUMP AHEAD" sign [02]
Turn signage at the intersection of two alleys [02]
"SPEED HUMP AHEAD" sign [01]
Turn signage at the intersection of two alleys [01]
Traffic signals at Atlantic and Brighton Avenues
Horizontal traffic light in use as a blinker [01]
Intersection of East Village Avenue and Goshen Road
Georgia Avenue and Dennis Avenue
Horizontal traffic light in use as a blinker [02]
Storm over Frankford Avenue
Horizontal traffic light in use as a blinker [03]
"NO OUTLET" sign at alley entrance
Two-way traffic sign on North Oakley Avenue [02]
View from Glenmont West Garage [02]
Two-way traffic sign on North Oakley Avenue [01]
Horizontal traffic light in use as a blinker [04]
"DO NOT ENTER" sign with religious graffiti
"THRU TRAFFIC PROHIBITED" sign at an alley entrance [02]
"THRU TRAFFIC PROHIBITED" sign at an alley entrance [01]