River Park Tower Apartments [02]
End of Dorsey Avenue
Below-grade passage at the Chrysler Building [01]
Below-grade passage at the Chrysler Building [02]
Vintage wall signage at the Chrysler Building
Intersection of East Village Avenue and Goshen Road
Panhandler on North Milwaukee Avenue
"NO OUTLET" sign at alley entrance
Turn signage at the intersection of two alleys [02]
Turn signage at the intersection of two alleys [01]
"SPEED HUMP AHEAD" sign [02]
"NO TURN ON RED" sign at North Lincoln and West Wilson Avenues [02]
"NO TURN ON RED" sign at North Lincoln and West Wilson Avenues [01]
"SPEED HUMP AHEAD" sign [01]
Alley west of North Oakley Avenue [03]
Alley west of North Oakley Avenue [02]
Two-way traffic sign on North Oakley Avenue [02]
Two-way traffic sign on North Oakley Avenue [01]
"DO NOT ENTER" sign with religious graffiti
Alley between North Claremont and North Oakley Avenues [03]
Alley between North Claremont and North Oakley Avenues [02]
"THRU TRAFFIC PROHIBITED" sign at an alley entrance [02]
"THRU TRAFFIC PROHIBITED" sign at an alley entrance [01]
Van traverses a speed hump
Speed hump in an alley west of North Oakley Avenue
Alley west of North Oakley Avenue [01]
Alley between North Claremont and North Oakley Avenues [01]
Pedestrian crossing sign in Windsor [02]
Pedestrian crossing sign in Windsor [01]
Parking regulation signs on Victoria Avenue [01]
Parking regulation signs on Victoria Avenue [03]
Parking regulation signs on Victoria Avenue [02]
Mahoning Avenue near Austintown
Mahoning Avenue at Meander Creek Reservoir [02]
Mahoning Avenue at Meander Creek Reservoir [01]
Central Oakland
Traffic signal at intersection of Metcalfe Street and Laurier Avenue West [02]
Traffic signal at intersection of Metcalfe Street and Laurier Avenue West [01]
Bicycle signal at intersection of Metcalfe Street and Laurier Avenue West
170 Laurier Avenue West
Bilingual stop sign at Walmart
Thomas Jefferson School No. 1 [01]
Thomas Jefferson School No. 1 [02]
Empire State Building with nearby buildings [04]
Empire State Building with nearby buildings [03]
Empire State Building with nearby buildings [02]
Empire State Building with nearby buildings [01]
Top of the Empire State Building [05]
Top of the Empire State Building [04]
Top of the Empire State Building [03]
Top of the Empire State Building [02]
Court Street interlocking board
Chrysler Building [04]
Chrysler Building [27]
Chrysler Building [14]
Chrysler Building [16]
Chrysler Building [20]
Chrysler Building [22]
500 Fifth Avenue [05]
500 Fifth Avenue [01]
500 Fifth Avenue [04]
500 Fifth Avenue [03]
500 Fifth Avenue [02]
500 Fifth Avenue [06]
Top of the Empire State Building [01]
Chrysler Building [25]
Chrysler Building [21]
Chrysler Building [07]
Chrysler Building [06]
Chrysler Building [11]
Chrysler Building [19]
Chrysler Building [23]
Chrysler Building [15]
Chrysler Building [05]
Chrysler Building [02]
Chrysler Building [10]
Chrysler Building [12]
Chrysler Building [24]