Germantown Tennisplex
Norge ball at BZ Laundromat [02]
Norge ball at BZ Laundromat [01]
Norge ball at BZ Laundromat [03]
Flag at Dulles International Airport
Lobby at Hotel 24 South
Flagpole at the Absecon Lighthouse [02]
Flagpole at the Absecon Lighthouse [04]
Flagpole at the Absecon Lighthouse [03]
Flagpole at the Absecon Lighthouse [01]
Flag in front of the Exxon on West Main Street
Rosewood Fire Department
Flag at Mt. Olive Fire Department [01]
Flag at Mt. Olive Fire Department [02]
Flag at Rosewood Fire Department [01]
Flag at Rosewood Fire Department [02]
Flag at Rosewood Fire Department [03]
Flag at Rosewood Fire Department [04]
American flag over Frederick in late afternoon
Elyse plays Galaga at the Sunsphere
American flag over Pal's in Abingdon [01]
American flag over Pal's in Abingdon [02]
Walkersville Bowling Center [01]
Walkersville Bowling Center [02]
Canadian flag on the Confederation Building
Interior of WMATA railcar 7558