Bench at New Market rest area
Payphones at New Market rest area
Picnic table at New Market rest area northbound
New Market rest area, I-81 northbound
Fort Totten station, lower level
Woodley Park-Zoo/Adams Morgan station [01]
Ballston station late at night [02]
Dead wing at Tanglewood Mall
Political graffiti on a bench
Chess match in Dupont Circle [01]
Woman walking through Dupont Circle
Chess match in Dupont Circle [04]
Chess match in Dupont Circle [03]
Chess match in Dupont Circle [02]
Woman waiting at Ballston-MU station
Fishing from the pier
Woman in Lafayette Square
Picnic table at New Market rest area, I-81 northbound [02]
Bench at New Market rest area [02]
Bench at New Market rest area [01]
Picnic table at New Market rest area, I-81 northbound [01]
Court House station [02]
Chicago Union Station [01]
Squirrel climbing a tree
Kiddie pool at Olney Indoor Swim Center
Benches at Durham Amtrak station
Interstate 70 Park and Ride [17]
"Be barefoot, color barefoot, live barefoot"
Sandy Point State Park [60]
Sandy Point State Park [58]
Bench along the Canal Walk
Edge Hill Cemetery [15]
Survey benchmark on Brighton Dam
Cape Hatteras Visitor Center [01]
Path at Mill Mountain Park
View from Hilltop House
East side of Maryland House
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad station [05]
Downtown Cumberland, Maryland [01]
Downtown Cumberland, Maryland [02]
Downtown Cumberland, Maryland [03]
Downtown Cumberland, Maryland [04]
Interior of Owings Mills Mall [04]
Interior of Owings Mills Mall [07]
Interior of Owings Mills Mall [10]
Scott's House [19]
Ace Hotel gymnasium [01]
Ace Hotel gymnasium [02]
Ace Hotel gymnasium [03]
Students in the Cathedral of Learning [01]
Students in the Cathedral of Learning [02]
Landmark Mall, Alexandria, Virginia [02]
Landmark Mall, Alexandria, Virginia [09]
Landmark Mall, Alexandria, Virginia [14]
Ocean City Boardwalk [01]
U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey benchmark [02]
U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey benchmark [01]
Discarded latex glove
Social distancing sticker on a bench at White Marsh Mall [02]
Social distancing sticker on a bench at White Marsh Mall [01]
Bench at Staunton Mall [02]
Bench at Staunton Mall [01]
Bench at Staunton Mall [03]
Center court at Staunton Mall [01]
Center court at Staunton Mall [02]
Ballston-MU station, January 2021 [01]
Ballston-MU station, January 2021 [02]
Ballston-MU station, view from mezzanine
Silver Line train at Ballston-MU station [01]
Silver Line train at Ballston-MU station [02]
Silver Line train at Ballston-MU station [03]
Waiting room at Brunswick MARC station [02]
Waiting room at Brunswick MARC station [01]
Bench at the Michael J. Doyle Fishing Pier
Cape Hatteras Visitor Center [02]
Cape Hatteras Visitor Center [03]
Bench with center armrest [02]
Bench with center armrest [01]
Abandoned breakfast at East Falls Church station [02]
Abandoned breakfast at East Falls Church station [01]