Kent State University May 4 Visitors Center [04]
Kent State University May 4 Visitors Center [05]
Kent State University May 4 Visitors Center [06]
Kia Soul at Shepherd University
King Hall [01]
King Hall [02]
Lake Artemesia gazebo
Lake Artemesia, facing northwest
Lake Artemesia, facing west
Lake Artemesia, viewed from the Green Line
Left side of Thomas Built MVP ER school bus
Litchfield Towers [01]
Litchfield Towers [02]
Litchfield Towers [03]
Litchfield Towers [04]
Litchfield Towers [05]
Litchfield Towers [06]
Litchfield Towers [07]
Litchfield Towers [08]
Lobby of Zane Showker Hall [01]
Lobby of Zane Showker Hall [02]
Lobby of Zane Showker Hall [03]
Locked-off water fountain [01]
Locked-off water fountain [02]
Main atrium at Hartman Hall [01]
Main atrium at Hartman Hall [02]
Maintenance work on Stephen Foster Memorial [01]
Maintenance work on Stephen Foster Memorial [02]
Maury Hall computer lab [01]
Maury Hall computer lab [02]
Maury Hall computer lab [03]
Maury Hall computer lab [04]
Maury Hall computer lab [05]
Maury Hall Room G1
Maury Hall Room G2
Maury Hall [01]
Maury Hall [02]
Maury Hall [03]
McGraw-Long Hall
McMurran Hall [01]
McMurran Hall [02]
MCV West Hospital [01]
MCV West Hospital [02]
MCV West Hospital [03]
MCV West Hospital [04]
MCV West Hospital [05]
Men's restroom in Wilson Hall
Metrobus 2191 at College Park station
Miller Hall
Miller Hall interior corridor
Mister Chips [01]
Mister Chips [02]
Mitsubishi Outlander at Wayne Community College
Montgomery County school buses [01]
Montgomery County school buses [02]
Montgomery County school buses [03]
Moody Hall
Moody Hall computer lab
My meal from the Festival
New D-Hall [01]
New D-Hall [02]
New D-Hall [03]
New D-Hall [04]
New D-Hall [05]
New D-Hall [06]
New D-Hall [07]
New D-Hall [08]
New D-Hall [09]
New Village dorm
Norfolk Southern 4426 at JMU
Norfolk Southern track through JMU campus
North end of Lake Artemesia [01]
North end of Lake Artemesia [02]
North end of Lake Artemesia [03]
North end of southern part of Lake Artemesia
North end of southern part of Lake Artemesia
Overhead view of ISAT/CS tower [01]
Overhead view of ISAT/CS tower [02]
Pac-Man and Galaga
Paint Branch Trail [01]