Cosi in Ballston
Abandoned book on a table [01]
Abandoned book on a table [02]
Abandoned book on a table [03]
Camera on tripod photographing abandoned book
Rosslyn Center [02]
Rosslyn station entrance pylon [04]
Rosslyn station entrance pylon [05]
Fire hydrant in Clarendon
Signage for Maryland Route 418 [02]
Signage for Maryland Route 64 [03]
Blinker signals in Ringgold, Maryland [05]
Blinker signals in Ringgold, Maryland [04]
Blinker signals in Ringgold, Maryland [03]
Signage for Maryland Route 418 [03]
Signage for Maryland Route 418 [01]
Signage for Maryland Route 64 [02]
Signage for Maryland Route 64 [01]
Blinker signals in Ringgold, Maryland [02]
Blinker signals in Ringgold, Maryland [01]
Overhead sign over South Queen Street
East Washington Street and Allawilla Drive [01]
East Washington Street and Allawilla Drive [02]
Boss's 2 On the Level Entertainment [03]
Boss's 2 On the Level Entertainment [04]
Boss's 2 On the Level Entertainment [05]
Intersection of Routes 64 and 418 [03]
Intersection of Routes 64 and 418 [02]
Intersection of Routes 64 and 418 [05]
Intersection of Routes 64 and 418 [04]
Intersection of Routes 64 and 418 [01]
Neon sign at McGlinchey's Bar [02]
Neon sign at McGlinchey's Bar [01]
Neon sign at Latimer Garage [04]
Sign for Graffiti Bar [01]
Sign for El Vez
Sign advertising one-bedroom apartments [02]
Neon sign at Latimer Garage [02]
Neon sign at Latimer Garage [03]
Former Grocery space [01]
1338 Chestnut Street
Sign advertising one-bedroom apartments [03]
Sign for Graffiti Bar [02]
Traffic signal at Sansom and Broad Streets
Sign advertising one-bedroom apartments [04]
Sign advertising one-bedroom apartments [01]
Neon sign at Latimer Garage [01]
PATCO sign outside 15/16th & Locust Street Station
SEPTA sign outside Walnut-Locust station
Sign for Graffiti Bar [03]
Former Grocery space [02]
Pennsylvania State Capitol from the northeast [01]
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [04]
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [01]
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [02]
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [06]
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [05]
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [03]
"BAR OPEN" sign at the Bearded Clam [01]
"NO VACANCY" sign at Ocean Manor [01]
Cork Bar
"BAR OPEN" sign at the Bearded Clam [02]
"NO VACANCY" sign at Ocean Manor [02]
Intersection of Western Avenue, West Summit Hill Drive, Henley Street, and Broadway [02]
Intersection of Western Avenue, West Summit Hill Drive, Henley Street, and Broadway [01]
Elyse poses with two vending machines
Interstate 95 from South Street Pedestrian Walkway [03]
Interstate 95 from South Street Pedestrian Walkway [04]
Interstate 95 from South Street Pedestrian Walkway [02]
Interstate 95 from South Street Pedestrian Walkway [01]
Pennsylvania State Capitol from the northeast [02]