Paperback book with green cover
Tulip with variegated colors
Message sign in Dupont Circle
Busker outside Dupont Circle station
Face wearing sunglasses
Fraser Mansion [04]
Fraser Mansion [03]
Fraser Mansion [10]
Embassy Building
Peace pole at Foundry United Methodist Church [01]
Peace pole at Foundry United Methodist Church [01]
Fraser Mansion [21]
Fraser Mansion [19]
Fraser Mansion [11]
Fraser Mansion [20]
1616 P Street NW [01]
Connecticut Avenue NW between Farragut Square and Dupont Circle
Fraser Mansion [05]
Fraser Mansion [12]
Fraser Mansion [17]
Really Really Free Market
Fraser Mansion [07]
Fraser Mansion [08]
Fraser Mansion [18]
Fraser Mansion [02]
Borf tag on Q Street NW
Fraser Mansion [13]
Spraying water on Webster House
Fraser Mansion [09]
Please, no dogs
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [06]
Basketball goal at Stead Park [02]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [03]
Fraser Mansion [06]
Discarded earplugs along P Street NW
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [05]
Fraser Mansion [14]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [04]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [02]
Misspelled SuperShuttle van
Fraser Mansion [15]
Bad credit card
Graffiti on wall speaker
Fraser Mansion [16]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [01]
Anonymous flash raid, October 9, 2009 [01]
Operation Fail Game [02]
Fraser Mansion [01]
Dupont Circle station entrance pylon
Anonymous DC September raid [05]
Operation Fail Game [16]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [07]
Reading a book in Dupont Circle
Graffiti on "ONE WAY" sign
Mennonite choir in Dupont Circle [01]
Mennonite choir in Dupont Circle [03]
Dupont Circle station entrance pylon, stripped [02]
Operation Fail Game [05]
Anonymous DC September raid [04]
Dupont Circle station entrance pylon, stripped [01]
Operation Fail Game [10]
Anonymous flash raid, October 9, 2009 [03]
Operation Fail Game [07]
Reconstruction of Connecticut Avenue under Dupont Circle
Operation Fail Game [08]
Honda Prelude destroyed by falling tree [02]
Operation Fail Game [09]
Operation Fail Game [03]
Operation Fail Game [04]
Metropolitan Police car on 16th Street NW
Mennonite choir in Dupont Circle [02]
Operation Fail Game [06]
World Bank/IMF demonstration [02]
Anonymous flash raid, October 9, 2009 [02]
World Bank/IMF demonstration [03]
Alice Swanson ghost bike
Mennonite choir in Dupont Circle [04]
Operation Fail Game [01]
Operation Reconnect [02]
World Bank/IMF demonstration [05]