Granny Smith apple at Giant Food [01]
Walmart shelf label
Trying on Crocs
Martin's in Cumberland, Maryland [01]
Former Disney Store space
Cap on a milk jug
Sears at Lakeforest Mall
Bone-in beef tomahawk ribeye steak at Whole Foods Market
Cap on a milk carton [02]
Green Valley Marketplace
Eggs stamped with expiration dates
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [13]
Former Giant Food at Burtonsville Crossing [02]
Martin's in Cumberland, Maryland [02]
Roof hatch on former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza
"Freeosk" machine
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [14]
AutoZone in Frederick, Maryland
Former Cici's Pizza in Rockville, Maryland [02]
Closed seating area at Harris Teeter [02]
Ceiling air vent at the Kmart store in Aspen Hill, Maryland [02]
Big Kmart in Prince Frederick, Maryland
Half & half at Giant Food
Aerial view of Diamond Point Plaza
Help keep the restroom clean
Montgomery Village Plaza [02]
Family Dollar in Cambridge, Maryland
Interior of Owings Mills Mall [02]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [06]
Target in Westminster, Maryland [03]
Banana selfie
Montgomery Village Plaza [01]
Kmart in Hyattsville, Maryland [10]
Prepackaged salad bar at Harris Teeter [02]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [02]
Walmart Supercenter in Hagerstown, Maryland [02]
Prepackaged salad bar at Harris Teeter [01]
Blue screen on Harris Teeter self-checkout
Cartons of Nature's Promise milk
Toilet at Save A Lot store
Photographing the sign for ABC Liquor
View down open roof hatch at Ames building in Diamond Point Plaza
Walmart Supercenter in Hagerstown, Maryland [01]
Sears Outlet in Wheaton, Maryland
Thin-crust pizza from Mod Pizza
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [07]
Former Cici's Pizza in Rockville, Maryland [03]
Closed water fountains
Two-tiered shopping cart
Prepackaged salad bar at Harris Teeter [03]
Lakeforest sign at Frederick Avenue and Montgomery Village Avenue
Costco in Gaithersburg, Maryland
Cap on a bottle of chocolate syrup
Candy apples
Walmart Supercenter in Hagerstown, Maryland [03]
Montgomery Village Crossing
Former Bamberger's/Macy's/Boscov's building [04]
Former Cici's Pizza in Rockville, Maryland [01]
Former Bamberger's/Macy's/Boscov's building [01]
Aerial view of Lakeforest Mall [06]
Prepackaged salad bar at Harris Teeter [04]
Kmart in Hyattsville, Maryland [03]
Cava, temporarily closed
Diet Coke and Coca-Cola Zero bottles at Target
Former Bamberger's/Macy's/Boscov's building [02]
Aerial view of Lakeforest Mall [14]
Aerial view of Lakeforest Mall [10]
Aerial view of Lakeforest Mall [04]
Rainbow at Lakeforest Mall [02]
Aerial view of Lakeforest Mall [09]
Aerial view of Lakeforest Mall [05]
Aerial view of Lakeforest Mall [08]
Aerial view of Lakeforest Mall [15]
"Bobo" dachshund toy
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [04]
Aerial view of Lakeforest Mall [16]
Aerial view of Lakeforest Mall [03]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [11]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [03]