Skywalk over Queen Street [01]
Skywalk over Queen Street [02]
The Simpson Tower, 1999
Queen Street West
The Bay Queen Street [01]
The Bay Queen Street [02]
The Bay Queen Street [03]
The Bay Queen Street [04]
The Bay Queen Street [05]
Historic plaque at The Bay Queen Street
The Bay Queen Street revolving door entrance
Double-height room at The Bay Queen Street
St. Regis Room
Men's formalwear at The Bay
Rosslyn Metro Mall entrance
Filene's Basement
The Shops at National Place
South River in Waynesboro
Parking sign at 17th Street Surf Shop
Cycle Recycle
Blue Moon Galleries
Zocalo sign [02]
Five Guys sign [02]
Sign for Roses in Waynesboro, Virginia
Roses in Waynesboro, Virginia
Intersection of Washington and Milk Streets
Whole Foods in Lincoln Park
Sidewalk on 1700 block of Aliceanna Street
Whole Foods P Street NW
Walmart on H Street NW [01]
Walmart on H Street NW [02]
Walmart on H Street NW [03]
Walmart on H Street NW [04]
Walmart on H Street NW [05]
Charlottesville Downtown Mall, September 2014 [03]
Martin's in Cumberland, Maryland [01]
Martin's in Cumberland, Maryland [02]
Third-floor space at 5533 Walnut Street
Fire-Lite BG-10 at Sears in Waldorf [02]
Fire-Lite BG-10 at Sears in Waldorf [03]
Fire-Lite BG-10 at Sears in Waldorf [01]
Sarah's Beauty Supply
Historical marker on Hudson's Bay Queen Street store
Malabar Limited
Fire alarm pull station at Hudson's Bay Queen Street [01]
Fan window at Hudson's Bay Queen Street [01]
The Simpson Tower [01]
Hudson's Bay Queen Street revolving door entrance [01]
Escalator at Hudson's Bay Queen Street [02]
Escalator at Hudson's Bay Queen Street [01]
Hudson's Bay Queen Street revolving door entrance [02]
Hudson's Bay Queen Street at night [01]
Hudson's Bay Queen Street at night [04]
Hudson's Bay Queen Street at night [03]
Hudson's Bay Queen Street at night [02]
Historical plaque on Hudson's Bay Queen Street store [01]
Hudson's Bay Queen Street at night [05]
Little Party Shoppe [01]
Little Party Shoppe [02]
Little Party Shoppe [03]
Little Party Shoppe [05]
Little Party Shoppe [04]
Photographing Hudson's Bay historical plaque
Hudson's Bay Queen Street store [01]
Hudson's Bay Queen Street store [02]
Historical plaque on Hudson's Bay Queen Street store [02]
Streetcar at Hudson's Bay Queen Street store [01]
Richmond Street entrance at Hudson's Bay Queen Street store
Hudson's Bay Queen Street store [02]
The Simpson Tower [02]
Streetcar at Hudson's Bay Queen Street store [02]
Hudson's Bay Queen Street store [03]
Hudson's Bay Queen Street entrance
Mannequins at Hudson's Bay Queen Street store
Tan A Supermarket
Zocalo sign [05]
Charlottesville Hardware Company building
Interior of Cinema Taco
Sign for Pawprints Boutique [01]
Sign for Pawprints Boutique [02]