Pulled pork sandwich from Smithfield's Chicken 'N Bar-B-Q [03]
Pulled pork sandwich from Smithfield's Chicken 'N Bar-B-Q [02]
Pulled pork sandwich from Smithfield's Chicken 'N Bar-B-Q [01]
Pull station at Rockville Whole Foods [04]
Pull station at Rockville Whole Foods [03]
Pull station at Rockville Whole Foods [02]
Pull station at Rockville Whole Foods [01]
Pull station at Barnes & Noble
Public notice for 2301 West Lawrence Avenue
Profanities in license plate strips
Produce section at Four Corners Safeway
Produce department at Walmart in Waynesboro, Virginia
Produce area at Walmart in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania
Priscilla McCall's
Prince William County Police cruiser
Prince Albert in a can
Price tag error on a shoe
Price Chopper in Watertown, New York
Price checker at Giant Food
President's Choice bread and butter pickles at Loblaws
Prepper Survival Guide at Target
Prepackaged salad bar at Harris Teeter [04]
Prepackaged salad bar at Harris Teeter [03]
Prepackaged salad bar at Harris Teeter [02]
Prepackaged salad bar at Harris Teeter [01]
Power outlets at Fair Oaks Mall [05]
Power outlets at Fair Oaks Mall [04]
Power outlets at Fair Oaks Mall [03]
Power outlets at Fair Oaks Mall [02]
Power outlets at Fair Oaks Mall [01]
Potter sprinkler alarm
Potomac Mills road sign [03]
Potomac Mills road sign [02]
Potomac Mills road sign [01]
Potbelly A-frame sign at Gaithersburg Square
Potato wedges at Walmart
Potato chip aisle at Kroger in Waynesboro, Virginia
Posable hand giving the middle finger
Popeye's Supplements [02]
Popeye's Supplements [01]
Political graffiti at the Pilot truck stop in Greenville, Virginia
Pokémon cereal
Plug missing its ground prong
Plexiglass shield at Wawa cash register
Please do not sit on the furniture
Plaxiglass screens around Giant Food Solution Center
Plaxiglass screens around Giant Food Solution Center
Platform Crocs
Plastic snake on the floor
Plastic screens in Whole Foods parking garage
Pizza Hut at 29th Place
Pizza at Potomac Mills
Pio Bagel
Pink spill in front of Target
Pink Lady apples at Food Lion [02]
Pink Lady apples at Food Lion [01]
Pink foaming skin cleanser
Pillowfort flamingo
Pile of dirty snow [03]
Pile of dirty snow [02]
Pile of dirty snow [01]
Piggly Wiggly in Mt. Olive, North Carolina [12]
Piggly Wiggly in Mt. Olive, North Carolina [11]
Piggly Wiggly in Mt. Olive, North Carolina [10]
Piggly Wiggly in Mt. Olive, North Carolina [09]
Piggly Wiggly in Mt. Olive, North Carolina [08]
Piggly Wiggly in Mt. Olive, North Carolina [07]
Piggly Wiggly in Mt. Olive, North Carolina [06]
Piggly Wiggly in Mt. Olive, North Carolina [05]
Piggly Wiggly in Mt. Olive, North Carolina [04]
Piggly Wiggly in Mt. Olive, North Carolina [03]
Piggly Wiggly in Mt. Olive, North Carolina [02]
Piggly Wiggly in Mt. Olive, North Carolina [01]
Piggly Wiggly in Charleston, South Carolina
Pickup tower at Staunton Walmart
Pickle from Jimmy John's
Photographing the sign for ABC Liquor
Photographing Hudson's Bay historical plaque
Photographing at the former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia
Phone number for "Buzz"