Intersection of John and Front Streets
Fountain at Delta Chelsea Hotel
Glory of the Chinese Descendants [01]
Chestnut Street and Hickory Avenue
Street signs at the intersection of Madison Place and H Street NW
Steam emitting from manholes on 17th Street NW
Vienna station entrance pylon [02]
Vienna station entrance pylon [01]
Pentagon City station entrance pylon [01]
Glory of the Chinese Descendants [02]
Market Square Walkway
Downtown Roanoke at the railroad tracks
Vienna station entrance pylon [03]
Gallery Place-Chinatown station entrance pylon
Pentagon City station entrance pylon [02]
Quiet Zone sign [01]
East Main Street and Court Street
500 block of 13th Street NW
Quiet Zone sign [02]
"Scoop Your Pet's Poop"
Ford Taurus on 7th Street NW
Ford Taurus on 9th Street NW
Metrobus 2809 at 7th and R Streets NW
Borf tag on Q Street NW
"BORF" tag on Georgetown Car Barn [02]
"BORF" tag on Georgetown Car Barn [01]
Alice Swanson ghost bike
Pothole on 20th Street NW
Metrobus 2154 at 16th and P Streets
Federal Center SW station entrance pylon [02]
Boston fire alarm street box [01]
Intersection of Washington and Milk Streets
Boston fire alarm street box [02]
Boston fire alarm street box [03]
Illegal parking at bus stop
Capital Bikeshare riders on P Street NW
5th and H Streets NW
Older-style pedestrian crossing signs
Parking meters on H Street NW
Traffic signal with yellow aspect open
500 block of H Street NW
H Street NW street sign
11th and H Streets NW
1200 block of H Street NW
Hot Rod Cafe
Madbury Road street signs
Intersection of Main Street and Madbury Road [01]
Intersection of Main Street and Madbury Road [02]
Traffic light at Main Street and Dover Road
Traffic on East Monroe Street
Pedestrian signal at 7th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue SE
Henderson Avenue and Glenn Street
House with deteriorated uppermost level
600 block of Elm Street
211 Emily Street
Painted houses on Bedford Street [01]
Painted houses on Bedford Street [02]
Painted houses on Bedford Street [03]
416 Park Street
310 Park Street
300 Park Street
402 Park Street
Satellite dish on roof of home
216 Park Street
Intersection of Bedford Street and Henderson Avenue
Bedford Street
Maroon and white house on Bedford Street
Pro-marijuana graffiti
Anarchy sign painted on a wall
Sidewalk on 1700 block of Aliceanna Street
Metrobus 7207 at 16th and P Streets NW
Pedestrian signal at 15th and P Streets NW
Detail on Masonic Temple pediment
Farmers and Merchants' Bank clock [02]
Potter fire alarm bell
Wilkins Shoe Center
Farmers and Merchants' Bank clock [01]
Private property sign on gate
Wesley Lake Drive and Cookman Avenue [01]