Gamewell fire alarm box in Ridgewood, New Jersey [02]
Gamewell fire alarm box in Ridgewood, New Jersey [03]
Gamewell fire alarm box in Ridgewood, New Jersey [01]
Chestnut Street and Hickory Avenue
Street signs at the intersection of Madison Place and H Street NW
Do Not Enter (Except Buses)
Hampton Roads Transit bus 937
Reconstruction of Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Former CUE bus on an auto sales lot
East Main Street and Court Street
DASH bus 37
500 block of 13th Street NW
Dupont Circle north entrance [02]
Dupont Circle north entrance [01]
Rosslyn station entrance pylon [03]
Parking sign at Domino's Pizza
Parking sign at 17th Street Surf Shop
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [28]
"Now Leasing" sign
Third-generation Mercury Sable wagon
Alice Swanson ghost bike
Metrobus 2464 at Gallery Place-Chinatown station
Metrobus 2550 at Rosslyn
Metrobus stop flag at Rosslyn
Boston fire alarm street box [01]
Boston fire alarm street box [02]
Boston fire alarm street box [03]
Ramp Closed
Man praying on Pennsylvania Avenue NW [02]
Metrobus stop flag for X2 route
Man praying on Pennsylvania Avenue NW [03]
Man praying on Pennsylvania Avenue NW [01]
Carmel Plaza Apartments
Traffic signal with yellow aspect open
500 block of H Street NW
H Street NW street sign
11th and H Streets NW
1200 block of H Street NW
Hot Rod Cafe
Madbury Road street signs
Intersection of Main Street and Madbury Road [01]
Intersection of Main Street and Madbury Road [02]
Silver Spring Zombie Walk 2011 [23]
Silver Spring Zombie Walk 2011 [18]
Forward on Climate Rally [38]
Forward on Climate Rally [22]
Intersection of Springer Road and Forest Springs Drive
Yield sign
KFC in Cumberland, Maryland
"No parking this side of street"
Metrobus 7207 at 16th and P Streets NW
324 Davis Street
Springer Road and Forest Springs Drive [04]
Springer Road and Forest Springs Drive [03]
Springer Road and Forest Springs Drive [02]
Springer Road and Forest Springs Drive [05]
Wesley Lake Drive and Cookman Avenue [01]
Wesley Lake Drive and Cookman Avenue [02]
Former Ride On Champion bus [01]
Former Ride On Champion bus [02]
Former Ride On Champion bus [03]
Whiteford Road
Address numbers for 5533 Walnut Street
Third-floor space at 5533 Walnut Street
Walmart Neighborhood Market, Waynesboro, Virginia [01]
Walmart Neighborhood Market, Waynesboro, Virginia [04]
Walmart Neighborhood Market, Waynesboro, Virginia [03]
Walmart Neighborhood Market, Waynesboro, Virginia [02]
Posing with wings
Norge ball at BZ Laundromat [02]
Norge ball at BZ Laundromat [01]
Norge ball at BZ Laundromat [03]
Fire alarm pull station at Citizens Building [03]
Fire alarm pull station at Citizens Building [01]
Fire alarm pull station at Citizens Building [02]
Streetcar on College Street [01]
Fire alarm pull station at Hudson's Bay Queen Street [01]
Streetcar on Queen Street [02]
Streetcar on Queen Street [01]
Fire alarm pull station at the Sheraton Centre