Couple at Mill Mountain Park [01]
Couple at Mill Mountain Park [02]
People playing in the surf [02]
People playing in the surf [01]
Photographing on the beach [01]
Photographing on the beach [02]
Family digging in the sand [01]
March on Crystal City [40]
March on Crystal City [39]
March on Crystal City [33]
Students relaxing on the Quad [03]
Hikers on Humpback Rock [01]
Hikers on Humpback Rock [02]
Couple's selfie
Buena Vista overlook [04]
Ward Plaza
Graffiti on WMATA railcar 3175
"Changing channels" exhibit at Nauticus
Sign for Ward Plaza [07]
Sign for Ward Plaza [03]
Sign for Ward Plaza [02]
Sign for Ward Plaza [04]
Sign for Ward Plaza [08]
Sign for Ward Plaza [06]
Sign for Ward Plaza [01]
Sign for Ward Plaza [05]
Selfie aboard N88327
Group of JMU students