- Sea gull in flight [05]
- Sea gull in flight [03]
- Sea gull in flight [02]
- Sea gull on Ocean City Fishing Pier
- Sea gull on Ocean City Fishing Pier [02]
- Sea gull on Ocean City Fishing Pier [01]
- Sea gull on Ocean City Fishing Pier [03]
- Sea gull on the beach at Ocean City [05]
- Sea gull on the beach at Ocean City [04]
- Sea gull on the beach at Ocean City [03]
- Sea gull on the beach at Ocean City [01]
- Sea gull on the beach at Ocean City [02]
- Sea gull flying over the Ocean City boardwalk [02]
- Sea gull flying over the Ocean City boardwalk [01]
- Sea gull flying over the Ocean City boardwalk [03]
- Baltimore's Miracle on 34th Street [04]
- Baltimore's Miracle on 34th Street [03]
- Goose feces on a sidewalk
- Do not touch the chick pen
- Northern mockingbird in a parking lot
- Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [21]
- Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [02]
- Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [03]
- Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [04]
- Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [01]
- Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [05]
- Neon sign at the Ingleside Resort [20]
- Canada geese in the Schuylkill Canal [01]
- Canada geese in the Schuylkill Canal [02]
- Ford Thunderbird in front of Walmart
- Family feeding sea gulls [01]
- Sea gulls behind M/V W. Stanford White
- Family feeding sea gulls [02]
- Family feeding sea gulls [03]
- Sea gulls flying overhead
- Pink Ford Thunderbird at Wintergreen Plaza [01]
- Pink Ford Thunderbird at Wintergreen Plaza [02]
- Sign for Monty's Penguin
- "The Hause's" stone
- Heron flying over the Hampton River [01]
- Heron on a dock in Hampton, Virginia
- Heron flying over the Hampton River [02]
- Wooden hand giving an obscene gesture
- Canada goose on the roof of Lakeforest Mall
- Skimmer Island
- Couple walking on the beach in Ocean City, Maryland
- Bird sounds machine at Reston Town Center station [01]
- Elyse photographs a falcon decoy at Reston Town Center station
- Falcon decoy at Reston Town Center station [01]
- Falcon decoy at Reston Town Center station [02]
- Bird sounds machine at Reston Town Center station [02]
- Mallard duck in the canal
- Interior of R33S "World's Fair" car 9306 [03]
- Interior of R33S "World's Fair" car 9310 [02]
- Interior of R30 car 8506
- Interior of R33S "World's Fair" car 9306 [02]
- Interior of R33S "World's Fair" car 9310 [01]
- Interior of R33S "World's Fair" car 9306 [01]
- Goose droppings in a parking lot [01]
- Goose droppings in a parking lot [02]
- Rat poster in an alley
- Elyse gives the finger
- Radio tower on Mary Gray
- American Signal Corporation Tempest-112 at Quinton Fire Company [01]
- American Signal Corporation Tempest-112 at Quinton Fire Company [02]
- Osprey nesting on a cell tower
- Wreck of the SS Atlantus [01]
- Wreck of the SS Atlantus [02]
- Wreck of the SS Atlantus [03]
- Wreck of the SS Atlantus [04]
- Sea gull over the Delaware Bay