Man sunbathing in Dupont Circle
Chess match in Dupont Circle [01]
Woman walking through Dupont Circle
Chess match in Dupont Circle [04]
Chess match in Dupont Circle [03]
Chess match in Dupont Circle [02]
Black-Eyed Susan
Autumn Colors Black-Eyed Susan
Heron at Chicago Botanic Garden [02]
Heron at Chicago Botanic Garden [01]
Activated fire alarm pull station at Union Station [01]
Activated fire alarm pull station at Union Station [02]
Lake Marion Community Center pool [01]
Lake Marion Community Center pool [02]
Lake Marion Community Center pool [03]
Lake Marion Community Center pool [04]
Lake Marion Community Center pool [06]
Lake Marion Community Center pool [05]
Signage from the Boulevard at the Capital Centre at Black Dog Salvage [03]
Signage from the Boulevard at the Capital Centre at Black Dog Salvage [02]
Signage from the Boulevard at the Capital Centre at Black Dog Salvage [01]