September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [03]
Virginia freeway prohibition sign
Traffic light at Main Street and Dover Road
Diamond Furniture with windows boarded up
Interstate 70 Park and Ride [08]
Interstate 70 Park and Ride [07]
Blue Bird Vision school bus
Plungefest 2014 [36]
Plungefest 2014 [37]
Petroleum pipeline warning sign
Traffic lights outside Greensboro station
Scott's House [20]
Scott's House [49]
Tag of profane language
Elyse in Centralia
Tagging the Graffiti Highway
Elyse checks her phone
Woomy and Hugh straddling the Virginia-North Carolina line
Sign indicating that traffic moves around the median
Hell House [04]
Hell House [06]
Hell House [07]
Hell House [01]
Hell House [05]
Hell House [03]
Big Boy sticker
Hell House [08]
Hell House [02]
Sign assembly on US 117 in Faison, North Carolina
Shield for North Carolina Highway 55 [06]
Shield for North Carolina Highway 55 [01]
Shield for North Carolina Highway 55 [02]
Shield for North Carolina Highway 55 [05]
Shield for North Carolina Highway 55 [03]
Shield for North Carolina Highway 55 [04]
Sign assembly in Halifax, North Carolina
US 171 shield in Newport News, Virginia
Sign for State Route 188 [01]
Sign for State Route 188 [02]
Sign for State Route 188 [03]
Sign for State Route 188 [04]
Sign for State Route 188 [05]
Sign for State Route 188 [06]
Blackburn Inn [07]
Signs at intersection of TN 1/US 70 and TN 101/TN 392 [01]
Signs at intersection of TN 1/US 70 and TN 101/TN 392 [02]
Sign for Tennessee State Route 462
Signs at intersection of TN 1/US 70 and TN 101/TN 392 [03]
Sign for Tennessee State Route 298
Traffic signals on State Street
Hudson River near New York City [01]
Hudson River near New York City [02]
Post-flight selfie in Michaux State Forest [01]
Post-flight selfie in Michaux State Forest [02]
Shields for trunkline highway M-39
John F. Kennedy Presidential Limousine [01]
John F. Kennedy Presidential Limousine [02]
John F. Kennedy Presidential Limousine [03]
Flags outside the Willis Tower
Santee Cooper plate on utility pole
"ILVUSA" license plate
License plate on Ford Expedition