Target stock cart
Shopping cart at Weis
Cart at The Cheese Shop
Shopping cart at Ellicott City Walmart
Big Lots shopping cart
Aisle 5 at Four Corners Safeway
Frozen food area at the Walmart in Laurel, Maryland
Abandoned Walmart shopping cart
Meixin Supermarket
Shopping cart with table in it
Weis at Walnut Hill Shopping Center [06]
Weis at Walnut Hill Shopping Center [07]
Weis at Walnut Hill Shopping Center [08]
Weis at Walnut Hill Shopping Center [09]
Closing sale at Modell's Sporting Goods [06]
Overturned shopping carts in front of CVS [01]
Overturned shopping carts in front of CVS [02]
Overturned shopping carts in front of CVS [03]
Overturned shopping carts in front of CVS [04]
Former Toys "R" Us cart at Food Star [01]
Former Toys "R" Us cart at Food Star [02]
Cart in frozen food aisle at Giant Food [01]
Cart in frozen food aisle at Giant Food [02]
Cart corral at Apple Valley Marketplace
Skeleton at Food City in Dandridge, Tennessee [01]
Skeleton at Food City in Dandridge, Tennessee [02]
Go To Shop Cart at Wegmans
Shopping list at Walmart
Shopping cart at Waynesboro, Pennsylvania Walmart [01]
Shopping cart at Waynesboro, Pennsylvania Walmart [02]
Elyse goes down the escalator at Loblaws [01]
Elyse goes down the escalator at Loblaws [02]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [37]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [38]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [39]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [40]
Elyse gives me a look at Rural King
Elyse shops for flashlights at Rural King
Former Caldor shopping cart at Goodwill
Kmart in Bridgehampton, New York [14]
Kmart in Bridgehampton, New York [54]