Entrance to Franklin Mills
Sears Outlet in Wheaton, Maryland
Fire alarm at Staunton Mall [01]
Occupancy prohibited
JCPenney wing at Staunton Mall, January 2014
Southwest end of Tanglewood Mall, from second floor
Main entrance at northeastern end of Tanglewood Mall
Dollar Tree in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania [01]
Dollar Tree in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania [02]
Martin's store in a former Food Lion
Weis in Ranson, West Virginia [01]
Weis in Ranson, West Virginia [02]
Weis in Ranson, West Virginia [04]
Weis in Ranson, West Virginia [03]
Aldi in Montgomery Village, Maryland
Parking lot lights at Shenandoah Square [02]
Parking lot lights at Shenandoah Square [01]
Part of a former Brookstone at Fair Oaks Mall
Overview of Staunton Mall [01]
Former KB Toys space
Maurices in Staunton Mall [02]
Bench at Staunton Mall [02]
Former Atlas Tuxedo store [01]
Former Wills store space
Montgomery Ward west mall entrance
Former Glassner Jewelers space [01]
Athletic Annex [01]
Big Dipper Ice Cream [02]
Big Dipper Ice Cream [01]
Children's play area in Staunton Mall [04]
Children's play area in Staunton Mall [03]
Mall entrance for Belk at Staunton Mall [01]
Former Record Corner store at Staunton Mall
Wishing Well Coin Race [02]
COVID sign at Family Barber & Beauty [01]
Carousel in Staunton Mall's Belk wing
Former Peoples Drug at Staunton Mall
Former Henebry's Jewelers store
Former Hibbett Sports store at Staunton Mall [02]
Entrance to former JCPenney store in Staunton Mall [02]
Former Waldenbooks store space [01]
Former Waldenbooks store space [02]
Former Waves store in Staunton Mall
Former Shoe Dept space at Staunton Mall
Maurices in Staunton Mall [01]
Bath & Body Works in Staunton Mall
Kiosk in Staunton Mall JCPenney wing
Maurices in Staunton Mall [03]
Store at the south end of the Belk wing of Staunton Mall
Gumball kiosk in Staunton Mall [01]
Wishing Well Coin Race [01]
Jackson Hewitt Tax Service in Staunton Mall [01]
Belk wing entrance corridor [01]
Athletic Annex [02]
Entrance to former JCPenney store in Staunton Mall [01]
Former Piece Goods Shop in Staunton Mall [02]
Former Piece Goods Shop in Staunton Mall [03]
Former Piece Goods Shop in Staunton Mall [01]
Former Hibbett Sports store at Staunton Mall [01]
Former Kay Jewelers in Staunton Mall
Bench at Staunton Mall [01]
Interior of former JCPenney in Staunton Mall
South end of JCPenney wing at Staunton Mall [02]
Former Lane Bryant store in Staunton Mall
South end of JCPenney wing at Staunton Mall [01]
Mall entrance for Belk at Staunton Mall [02]
"Please enjoy food, drink & smoking before visiting the store"
Former Hofheimers shoe store
Mall entrance for Belk at Staunton Mall [03]
Former Holliday’s Shoe Store at Staunton Mall
Former Atlas Tuxedo store [02]
Former Matthews Hallmark store in Staunton Mall
Belk wing entrance corridor [02]
Belk wing entrance corridor [03]
Staunton Mall Belk wing [01]
Children's play area in Staunton Mall [02]
Children's play area in Staunton Mall [01]
Jackson Hewitt Tax Service in Staunton Mall [02]
COVID sign at Family Barber & Beauty [02]