Fountain at Pentagon Row
The Shops at National Place
Former Walmart site at Valley Mall [02]
Former Walmart site at Valley Mall [01]
Bedford County Courthouse
Pentagon City Mall food court vendors
Supreme Court building
Photo in front of the Supreme Court [02]
Photo in front of the Supreme Court [01]
Belk court at Valley Mall
Broken window at military recruitment center
Miller Hall
Stead Park, viewed from 1616 P Street NW
Abandoned motel guest building [23]
Peeling paint on brick
Posted No Trespassing in window of abandoned motel
Fallen drywall on abandoned motel guest building
Clock tower on Philadelphia City Hall
Pentagon City Mall, 2012 [01]
Pentagon City Mall, 2012 [02]
Plaza in front of the Augusta County Courthouse
Interior of Maryland House
Adelaide Street Court House
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [08]
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [07]
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [06]
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [05]
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [04]
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [03]
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [02]
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [01]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [08]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [07]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [06]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [05]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [04]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [03]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [02]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [01]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [02]
Augusta County Courthouse [05]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [03]
New Street parking garage [01]
Augusta County Courthouse [06]
Augusta County Courthouse [07]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [05]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [01]
Cupola on the Augusta County Courthouse [01]
Augusta County Courthouse [03]
Augusta County Courthouse [04]
Statue on the Augusta County Courthouse [04]
Demolition of North Creek pool [01]
Demolition of North Creek pool [02]
Demolition of North Creek pool [03]
Demolition of North Creek pool [07]
Former Hibbett Sports store at Staunton Mall [02]
Former Hibbett Sports store at Staunton Mall [01]
Former Fashion Bug at Staunton Mall [01]
Former Fashion Bug at Staunton Mall [02]
Mall entrance to Church United
Former pretzel place in Staunton Mall
Former Sweetie's Trading Post space
Food court area of Staunton Mall [02]
Former Dog Days space
Movie theater corridor in Staunton Mall
Former Angelo's Pizza [01]
Former Angelo's Pizza [02]
Corridor between Peebles and Montgomery Ward [01]
Corridor between Peebles and Montgomery Ward [02]
Original Hot Wok location
Corridor between Peebles and Montgomery Ward [03]
Sign at Hot Wok advising of a temporary closure
Corridor between Peebles and Montgomery Ward [04]
Food court area of Staunton Mall [01]
Center entrance to Staunton Mall [01]
Center entrance to Staunton Mall [02]
Center entrance to Staunton Mall [03]
Center entrance to Staunton Mall [04]
Center entrance to Staunton Mall [05]
Center entrance to Staunton Mall [06]