BinaxNOW COVID-19 test
Vintage wall signage at the Chrysler Building
Below-grade passage at the Chrysler Building [01]
Below-grade passage at the Chrysler Building [02]
Fire alarm pull station at Macy's flagship store [03]
Fire alarm pull station at Macy's flagship store [01]
Fire alarm pull station at Macy's flagship store [02]
Toys "R" Us store-within-a-store at the Macy's New York City flagship store [02]
Macy's NYC flagship store at West 34th Street and 7th Avenue [02]
Labelscar on Aloft Hotel in Brooklyn
Emergency instructions at IKEA
Fire alarm at 2200 Hamilton Street [03]
Fire alarm at 2200 Hamilton Street [04]
Fire alarm at 2200 Hamilton Street [02]
Fire alarm at 2200 Hamilton Street [01]
PPL Building [06]
PPL Building [07]
PPL Building [05]
PPL Building [04]
PPL Building [02]
PPL Building [03]
PPL Building [01]
Aerial view of downtown Allentown, Pennsylvania [07]
Aerial view of downtown Allentown, Pennsylvania [08]
Aerial view of downtown Allentown, Pennsylvania [05]
Aerial view of downtown Allentown, Pennsylvania [06]
Aerial view of downtown Allentown, Pennsylvania [03]
Aerial view of downtown Allentown, Pennsylvania [04]
Aerial view of downtown Allentown, Pennsylvania [02]
Aerial view of downtown Allentown, Pennsylvania [01]
Aerial view of Swatara Township, Pennsylvania [02]
Aerial view of Swatara Township, Pennsylvania [03]
Aerial view of Swatara Township, Pennsylvania [01]
Walmart in Swatara Township, Pennsylvania [01]
Walmart in Swatara Township, Pennsylvania [01]
Walmart in Swatara Township, Pennsylvania [01]
Walmart in Swatara Township, Pennsylvania [01]
Walmart in Swatara Township, Pennsylvania [01]
Dauphin, Pennsylvania, viewed from over the river
Podiatry chair at Montgomery General Hospital
Selfie in the podiatry chair
Marquee for Film Forum theater
220 Varick Street
10 St. Luke's Place [07]
10 St. Luke's Place [08]
10 St. Luke's Place [05]
10 St. Luke's Place [06]
10 St. Luke's Place [04]
10 St. Luke's Place [03]
10 St. Luke's Place [01]
10 St. Luke's Place [02]
World Trade Center Memorial [01]
World Trade Center Memorial [02]
The Oculus
One World Trade Center at night [03]
One World Trade Center at night [04]
One World Trade Center at night [01]
One World Trade Center at night [02]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [12]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [10]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [11]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [09]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [06]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [07]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [08]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [05]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [04]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [02]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [03]
Wooden escalator at Macy's New York City store [01]
Toys "R" Us store-within-a-store at the Macy's New York City flagship store [01]
Macy's NYC flagship store at West 34th Street and 7th Avenue [01]
Empire State Building from West 34th Street, facing southeast [02]
Empire State Building from West 34th Street, facing southeast [03]
Empire State Building from West 34th Street, facing southeast [04]
Burrito bowl at Chipotle
Empire State Building from West 34th Street, facing southeast [01]
View down West 34th Street from 7th Avenue
Traffic light at 7th Avenue and West 24th Street
Ghost sign at 159 West 26th Street