King Street station and Alexandria Union Station from Masonic Memorial
South Station [01]
South Station [02]
Astoria Generating Station
30th Street Station
Waiting room at Harpers Ferry train station
Railroad tracks through Harpers Ferry
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad station [05]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad station [06]
Point of Rocks station building
Church Hill neighborhood [01]
Church Hill neighborhood [02]
Clock tower on Richmond Main Street Station [03]
Clock tower on Richmond Main Street Station [01]
Clock tower on Richmond Main Street Station [02]
Reston Town Center station entrance pylon [02]
Landmarks Building
Smithfield Street Bridge
Apartment balcony decorated for Halloween
Main hall at Ogilvie Transportation Center
Clock at Ogilvie Transportation Center [01]
Clock at Ogilvie Transportation Center [02]
View west from Roosevelt platform
View east from Roosevelt platform