Composting toilet at Whitney Point rest area [01]
Toilet at the Cathedral of Learning [01]
Toilet at the Cathedral of Learning [02]
Shower in the basement of the Cathedral of Learning [01]
Shower in the basement of the Cathedral of Learning [02]
Shower in the basement of the Cathedral of Learning [03]
Shower in the basement of the Cathedral of Learning [04]
Shower in the basement of the Cathedral of Learning [05]
Fire alarm strobe in the basement of the Cathedral of Learning [01]
Fire alarm strobe in the basement of the Cathedral of Learning [02]
Fire alarm strobe in the basement of the Cathedral of Learning [03]
Restroom on the second floor of Taylor Hall
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [49]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [50]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [51]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [52]
Former Staunton Mall site, September 2023 [53]
Sign on restroom door at 5000 Sunnyside Avenue [01]
The Nap Nook
Urinal at Dogwood Building