Harrisonburg from above JMU east campus parking garage
Chandler Hall [02]
Chandler Hall [03]
Festival Conference and Student Center [05]
Waynesboro High School [06]
Waynesboro High School [03]
Waynesboro High School [02]
Waynesboro High School [05]
Waynesboro High School [04]
Downtown Staunton, Virginia, facing northeast
Buffalo Gap High School [01]
Buffalo Gap High School [02]
Buffalo Gap High School [03]
Buffalo Gap High School [04]
Buffalo Gap High School [05]
Buffalo Gap High School [06]
Neighborhood in Culpeper, Virginia
Staunton, Virginia from above Sears Hill [01]
Staunton, Virginia from above Sears Hill [04]
Staunton, Virginia from above Sears Hill [03]
Staunton, Virginia from above Sears Hill [02]
Downtown Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [01]
Fairfield, Pennsylvania [03]
Fairfield, Pennsylvania [02]
Courts of Whetstone area of Montgomery Village
Goshen Oaks shopping center
Gabbin Hall [01]
Connector between Zane Showker Hall and Hartman Hall [01]
Zane Showker Hall [01]
Simplex fire alarm speaker/strobe at D-Hall [01]
Simplex fire alarm speaker/strobe at D-Hall [02]
Zane Showker Hall [02]
Connector between Zane Showker Hall and Hartman Hall [02]
Mister Chips [02]
Gabbin Hall [02]
Simplex fire alarm speaker/strobe at D-Hall [03]
Main atrium at Hartman Hall [01]
Zane Showker Hall [03]
Gabbin Hall [03]
New D-Hall [01]
Main atrium at Hartman Hall [02]
Lobby of Zane Showker Hall [01]
Gabbin Hall [04]
Sign for Hartman Hall [01]
Lobby of Zane Showker Hall [02]
New D-Hall [02]
Fire alarm pull station in Gabbin Hall
New D-Hall [03]
Lobby of Zane Showker Hall [03]
Sign for Hartman Hall [02]
Elevator at Gabbin Hall
New D-Hall [04]
Fireplace at Zane Showker Hall
Simplex speaker/strobe in Gabbin Hall [01]
New D-Hall [05]
Room 1121 at Zane Showker Hall [01]
Simplex speaker/strobe in Gabbin Hall [02]
New D-Hall [06]
Room 1121 at Zane Showker Hall [02]
Simplex speaker/strobe in Gabbin Hall [03]
New D-Hall [07]
Elevators at Zane Showker Hall
Second floor men's restroom at Gabbin Hall [01]
New D-Hall [08]
Stairwell at Zane Showker Hall [02]
Second floor men's restroom at Gabbin Hall [02]
Second floor men's restroom at Gabbin Hall [03]
Stairwell at Zane Showker Hall [03]
New D-Hall [09]
D-Hall pizza [01]
Room 1103 at Zane Showker Hall
Gabbin Hall, Room G1 [01]
Room 1105 at Zane Showker Hall [01]
D-Hall pizza [02]
Gabbin Hall, Room G1 [02]
D-Hall pizza [03]
Room 1105 at Zane Showker Hall [02]
Former fire alarm at Gabbin Hall
D-Hall pizza [04]
Room 1105 at Zane Showker Hall [03]