Urinal at Dogwood Building
Aerial view of Wayne Community College [04]
Aerial view of Wayne Community College [02]
Aerial view of Wayne Community College [03]
Aerial view of Wayne Community College [01]
Door to room 409 at Chandler Hall
Campus phone at Chandler Hall [01]
Campus phone at Chandler Hall [02]
Fire alarm speaker/strobe at Chandler Hall
Emergency phone at Chandler Hall [01]
Emergency phone at Chandler Hall [02]
Fire alarm pull station at Chandler Hall [03]
Fire alarm strobe at Chandler Hall
Fire alarm control panel at Chandler Hall
Fire alarm pull station at Chandler Hall [01]
Fire alarm pull station at Chandler Hall [02]
Chandler Hall [05]
Chandler Hall sign
The Nap Nook
My meal from the Festival
Festival Conference and Student Center atrium
Food preparation at the Festival
Pasadena Elementary School
John Poole Middle School
Gaithersburg High School [01]
Gaithersburg High School [02]
Cumberland Regional High School [03]
Underside of Honda HR-V
Cumberland Regional High School [02]
Cumberland Regional High School [01]
Cherry Street School [06]
Cherry Street School [07]
Cherry Street School [08]
Cherry Street School [04]
Cherry Street School [05]
Cherry Street School [02]
Cherry Street School [03]
Cherry Street School [01]
Exterior alarm horn at Shiloh Public School [02]
Exterior alarm horn at Shiloh Public School [03]
Shiloh Public School [02]
Exterior alarm horn at Shiloh Public School [01]
Shiloh Public School [01]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [09]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [10]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [07]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [08]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [06]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [04]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [05]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [01]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [02]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [03]
Highland County Schools
"Thank you for everything you do!"
Energy saving reminder on light switch plate [03]
Purple doorstop
Energy saving reminder on light switch plate [01]
Energy saving reminder on light switch plate [02]
Renovations to Room G2 at Gabbin Hall [08]
Renovations to Room G2 at Gabbin Hall [06]
Renovations to Room G2 at Gabbin Hall [07]
Renovations to Room G2 at Gabbin Hall [03]
Renovations to Room G2 at Gabbin Hall [04]
Renovations to Room G2 at Gabbin Hall [05]
Renovations to Room G2 at Gabbin Hall [02]
Renovations to Room G2 at Gabbin Hall [01]
Renovations to Room G1 at Gabbin Hall [05]
Renovations to Room G1 at Gabbin Hall [02]
Renovations to Room G1 at Gabbin Hall [03]
Renovations to Room G1 at Gabbin Hall [04]
Renovations to Room G1 at Gabbin Hall [01]
Wildfire visible from the JMU campus
King Hall [02]
JMU East Campus
King Hall [01]
New Village dorm
Village and Lake areas at James Madison University
Cupola on Gabbin Hall [04]
Wilson Hall cupola [03]