SunTrust Bank near the White House
Filene's Basement
The Shops at National Place
View from Old Post Office Tower
Connecticut Avenue NW between Farragut Square and Dupont Circle
1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
One Washington Circle
Downtown Waynesboro, facing west [03]
Downtown Waynesboro, facing west [02]
Downtown Waynesboro, facing west [01]
Downtown Waynesboro, Virginia [02]
Resist the Greenscare march [04]
Resist the Greenscare march [09]
Resist the Greenscare march [07]
Resist the Greenscare march [08]
Resist the Greenscare march [06]
Resist the Greenscare march [05]
SunTrust building in downtown Washington, DC [01]
SunTrust building in downtown Washington, DC [02]
Spraying water on Webster House
View down Pennsylvania Avenue NW from the Old Post Office Tower [01]
View down Pennsylvania Avenue NW from the Old Post Office Tower [02]
490 L'Enfant Plaza pull station
Demolition at Martinsburg Mall
National Valley Bank plaque
Marquis Building [02]
Masonic Building [01]
Marquis Building [01]
Fire alarm pull station at Citizens Building [03]
Fire alarm pull station at Citizens Building [01]
Fire alarm pull station at Citizens Building [02]
Fire alarm horn/strobe at Citizens Building
Freight elevator buttons [01]
Freight elevator buttons [02]
Mircom fire alarm pull station at Walmart in North York [01]
Mircom fire alarm pull station at Walmart in North York [02]
Chili's in Martinsburg [01]
Chili's in Martinsburg [02]
Chili's in Martinsburg [03]
"DO NOT ENTER" sign on North Central Avenue [01]
"DO NOT ENTER" sign on North Central Avenue [02]
West Main and West Broad Streets, facing west
Press room at the former News Virginian building [02]
Former News Virginian building [05]
Main and Broad Streets, facing east
Former News Virginian building [03]
West Main Street in Waynesboro, Virginia [02]
Downtown Waynesboro, Virginia, facing west
Satellite dish on former News Virginian building [03]
Satellite dish on former News Virginian building [02]
Former News Virginian building [04]
West Main Street in Waynesboro, Virginia [01]
West Main Street in Waynesboro, Virginia [03]
Satellite dish on former News Virginian building [04]
Downtown Waynesboro, Virginia, looking toward Invista [02]
Satellite dish on former News Virginian building [01]
West Main Street and Church Street
Second Presbyterian Church in Staunton, Virginia
Masonic Building [05]
Rooftop patio at 2 North Central Avenue
Masonic Building [03]
Masonic Building [04]
Masonic Building [02]
101 West Frederick Street [01]
101 West Frederick Street [02]
West Main and West Broad Streets in downtown Waynesboro
Clifton Forge Town Hall [06]
MCV West Hospital [03]
MCV West Hospital [04]
MCV West Hospital [05]
MCV West Hospital [02]
MCV West Hospital [01]
Ice buildup in a freezer [01]
Ice buildup in a freezer [02]
Empty floor in an office building [01]
Empty floor in an office building [02]
Empty floor in an office building [03]
Downtown Waynesboro, facing east
Aerial view of Charles Town, West Virginia [01]
West Washington Street in downtown Charles Town