Rally's in Newport News, Virginia [03]
Rally's in Newport News, Virginia [04]
Former HHGregg in Manassas, Virginia [01]
Former HHGregg in Manassas, Virginia [02]
Traffic and pedestrian signals at East Johnson Street and South New Street
Sign for Smile Center Dental
Atlantic City from offshore [01]
Atlantic City from offshore [04]
Atlantic City from offshore [02]
Steel Pier
Atlantic City from offshore [03]
Atlantic City boardwalk on east side of city
2900 block of Atlantic Avenue
Zane Showker Hall [01]
Zane Showker Hall [02]
Zane Showker Hall [03]
Federal Reserve Bank building [03]
Federal Reserve Bank building [05]
Richmond skyline from the James River [02]
Richmond skyline from the James River [01]
Federal Reserve and Riverfront Plaza [02]
Federal Reserve Bank building [04]
Smoking bench at Knoxville Station Transit Center
Lamppost outside Vistas on the James
Vistas on the James [02]
Art space in former power plant [02]
Art space in former power plant [03]
The Italianate [08]
The Italianate [09]
The Italianate [10]
The Italianate [11]
CoStar, Federal Reserve, and Riverfront Plaza buildings
The Italianate [07]
Office at 275 South 12th Street
Riverfront Plaza [05]
CoStar Richmond office [06]
CoStar Richmond office [07]
CoStar Richmond office [08]
Federal Reserve Bank building [06]
Federal Reserve Bank building [07]
Federal Reserve Bank building [08]
Rocks in the James River [02]
Construction in the canal
Looking down on Yonge and Elm
Intersection of George Street and Caroline Street
Discarded beer bottle at 2301 West Lawrence Avenue [02]
Discarded beer bottle at 2301 West Lawrence Avenue [01]
Amazon Fresh in Gaithersburg, Maryland during initial setup
Amazon Fresh in Gaithersburg, Maryland during limbo period
Dairy Queen in Chesapeake, Virginia