At Home in Frederick
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [10]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [09]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [11]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [12]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [14]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [13]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [16]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [15]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [01]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [03]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [02]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [04]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [05]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [06]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [08]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [07]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia at night [02]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia at night [01]
COVID-19 rest area signage
Photographing at the former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia
1750 Crystal Drive
Photographing 1750 Crystal Drive [02]
Photographing 1750 Crystal Drive [01]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia at night [03]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia at night [04]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia at night [05]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia at night [06]
Washington Tower [05]
Washington Tower [04]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [08]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [07]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [06]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [05]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [04]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [03]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [02]
Pentagon Row center courtyard [01]
Walmart in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [02]
Walmart in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [03]
Walmart in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [04]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia in early evening [03]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia in early evening [01]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia in early evening [05]
Object on the roof of the former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia in early evening [06]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia in early evening [07]
Air handling unit on the roof of the former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia in early evening [04]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia in early evening [02]
Atlantic City beach [01]
Atlantic City beach [02]
Fire alarm pull station at Bass Pro Shops in Atlantic City
Motorola handheld terminal and printer [02]
Bass Pro Shops in Atlantic City
Motorola handheld terminal and printer [01]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [31]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [17]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [23]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [24]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [27]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [29]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [30]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [32]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [21]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [25]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [18]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [19]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [28]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [20]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [26]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [22]
Walmart in Westminster, Maryland [01]
Walmart in Westminster, Maryland [02]
Walmart in Westminster, Maryland [03]
Downtown Staunton, Virginia, facing northeast
Staunton, Virginia from above Sears Hill [01]
Staunton, Virginia from above Sears Hill [04]
Staunton, Virginia from above Sears Hill [03]
Staunton, Virginia from above Sears Hill [02]