Crystal Mall office buildings
RCA Building [01]
Skywalk between Rosslyn Center and Metro elevator
1801 North Lynn Street, viewed from Rosslyn Center parking garage [02]
1801 North Lynn Street, viewed from Rosslyn Center parking garage [01]
Rosslyn Center [01]
1801 North Lynn Street, viewed from close by [01]
1801 North Lynn Street, viewed from close by [02]
1815 North Fort Myer Drive
1100 Wilson Blvd
Demolition of 1117 North 19th Street [02]
Demolition of 1117 North 19th Street [01]
1801 North Lynn Street, viewed from close by [03]
Heavy equipment at 1117 North 19th Street site
1801 North Lynn Street, viewed from close by [04]
Shark Week
Asbestos abatement work at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [01]
Asbestos abatement work at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [02]
Intersection of Wilson Blvd. and North Lynn Street
Entrance to Freedom Park
1801 North Lynn Street, viewed from close by [05]
RCA Building [02]
RCA Building [03]
1801 North Lynn Street, viewed from close by [06]
1815 North Fort Myer Drive and Turnberry Tower [02]
1815 North Fort Myer Drive, undergoing demolition
Long-reach excavator [15]
Long-reach excavator [16]
Long-reach excavator [13]
Long-reach excavator [12]
Long-reach excavator [14]
Long-reach excavator [11]
Long-reach excavator [10]
Long-reach excavator [09]
Long-reach excavator [08]
Long-reach excavator [07]
Long-reach excavator [06]
Man holding hose during demolition work [03]
Man holding hose during demolition work [02]
Man holding hose during demolition work [01]
Rebar and steel beams at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [02]
Rebar and steel beams at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [01]
RCA Building [04]
1801 North Lynn Street, viewed from across vacant lot
201 Washington Street
Chase Tower
Willis Tower [01]
Willis Tower [02]
Sears Outlet in Wheaton, Maryland
20 Madbury Road
John Hancock Center [01]
900 North Michigan Avenue
John Hancock Center [02]
John Hancock Center [05]
John Hancock Center [04]
John Hancock Center [07]
John Hancock Center [06]
John Hancock Center exterior bracing
John Hancock Center [03]
Sodexo building, Gaithersburg
Tribune Tower [01]
Tribune Tower [02]
Tribune Tower [03]
Rosslyn skyline [01]
Rosslyn skyline [02]
Rosslyn skyline [03]
Rosslyn skyline at sunset
Whole Foods Market in Columbia, Maryland
OTIS name on Suburbia Building elevator [01]
OTIS name on Suburbia Building elevator [02]
OTIS name on Suburbia Building elevator [03]
Simplex (Couch) fire alarm pull station [01]
Simplex (Couch) fire alarm pull station [02]
Simplex (Couch) fire alarm pull station [03]
Scott's House [11]
Scott's House [12]
Scott's House [13]
Scott's House [14]
Scott's House [32]
Scott's House [33]