Roanoke from the star, January 2003 [04]
Roanoke from the star, January 2003 [03]
Roanoke from the star, January 2003 [02]
Roanoke from the star, January 2003 [01]
Old Town Alexandria [01]
Old Town Alexandria [03]
Old Town Alexandria [02]
Downtown Expressway
The Waterside
Downtown Roanoke at the railroad tracks
Roanoke from the star, March 2003
Roanoke, Virginia at night, 2003
Roanoke City Market Historic District at night
Roanoke City Market at night
Entrance to Omni Charlottesville Hotel [01]
Entrance to Omni Charlottesville Hotel [03]
The Nook restaurant
Entrance to Omni Charlottesville Hotel [02]
Allied Arts Building [01]
Bank of the James building [01]
Bank of the James building [02]
Roanoke viewed from the star, April 2006
Blue Moon Galleries
Wayne Theater [01]
Wayne Theater [03]
Wayne Theater [02]
Wayne Theater [04]
533 West Main Street
Press room at the former News Virginian building [01]
Downtown Waynesboro, facing west [03]
Downtown Waynesboro, facing west [02]
Downtown Waynesboro, facing west [01]
Former News Virginian building [01]
Downtown Waynesboro, Virginia [02]
Former News Virginian building [02]
Roanoke from the star, April 2007
158 North Loudoun Street
First Presbyterian Church of Winchester, Virginia
Pediment at Masonic Temple
Clock tower at Rouss City Hall
Renovations to Taylor Hotel
Roanoke, Virginia [01]
Roanoke, Virginia [02]
Landmark Hotel
Plaza in front of the Augusta County Courthouse
Path around Stonewall Jackson Hotel
Top of the New Street garage
West overlook at Mill Mountain Park
M. Carl Andrews Overlook [01]
M. Carl Andrews Overlook [02]
M. Carl Andrews Overlook at night [01]
M. Carl Andrews Overlook at night [02]
Charlottesville Downtown Mall, September 2014 [01]
Charlottesville Downtown Mall, September 2014 [02]
Charlottesville Downtown Mall, September 2014 [03]
Charlottesville Downtown Mall, September 2014 [04]
Charlottesville Downtown Mall, September 2014 [05]
Charlottesville Downtown Mall, September 2014 [06]
Charlottesville Downtown Mall, September 2014 [07]
Marquis Building [02]
Masonic Building [01]
Marquis Building [01]
Icon Norfolk [05]
Icon Norfolk [04]
Icon Norfolk [03]
Icon Norfolk [02]
Waterside District [01]
Norfolk Waterside Marriott [02]
Waterside District [03]
Waterside District [02]
Dominion Tower [03]
Dominion Tower [02]
Dominion Tower [01]
Norfolk City Hall [03]
Norfolk City Hall [02]
Norfolk City Hall [01]
300 East Main Street
Norfolk Waterside Marriott [01]
Icon Norfolk [09]
Icon Norfolk [01]