Entrance to Franklin Mills
Roanoke from the star, January 2003 [04]
Roanoke from the star, January 2003 [03]
Roanoke from the star, January 2003 [02]
Roanoke from the star, January 2003 [01]
Sailboat in the Potomac River
Roanoke from the star, March 2003
Roanoke, Virginia at night, 2003
Former Walmart site at Valley Mall [02]
Former Walmart site at Valley Mall [01]
Statue of Winfield Scott
Roanoke viewed from the star, April 2006
Roanoke from the star, April 2007
Entrance to Freedom Park
Abandoned Safeway store [12]
Abandoned Safeway store [11]
Abandoned Safeway store [10]
Abandoned Safeway store [09]
Abandoned Safeway store [08]
Abandoned Safeway store [07]
Abandoned Safeway store [06]
Abandoned Safeway store [05]
Abandoned Safeway store [04]
Abandoned Safeway store [03]
Abandoned Safeway store [02]
Abandoned Safeway store [01]
Apartment complex in Aspen Hill during Snowmageddon
Stead Park, viewed from 1616 P Street NW
United States Capitol from the National Mall
Helicopter delivering a rooftop HVAC unit [01]
Helicopter delivering a rooftop HVAC unit [02]
Helicopter delivering a rooftop HVAC unit [03]
Helicopter delivering a rooftop HVAC unit [04]
Helicopter delivering a rooftop HVAC unit [05]
Helicopter delivering a rooftop HVAC unit [06]
Helicopter delivering a rooftop HVAC unit [07]
Jefferson Memorial at night [01]
Lincoln Memorial at night
Jefferson Memorial at night [02]
Arundel Mills parking lot
Exterior of Olney Indoor Swim Center [01]
Biobrick One
Asbury Park Waterfront building
Asbury Park Casino
Dome on the Asbury Park Casino [02]
Roof detail on the Casino [01]
Foundation of former Casino skating rink
Face on Casino carousel house [01]
Asbury Park Casino carousel house interior [03]
Dome on the Asbury Park Casino [03]
Asbury Park Casino carousel house interior [02]
Face on Casino carousel house [02]
Remains of east section of the Casino
Roof detail on the Casino [02]
Boardwalk-facing facade of the Asbury Park Casino arcade [03]
Asbury Park Casino arcade [03]
Boardwalk-facing facade of the Asbury Park Casino arcade [02]
The Stone Pony
Convention Hall
Convention Hall arcade
Asbury Park Howard Johnson's
Boardwalk-facing facade of the Asbury Park Casino arcade [01]
Asbury Park Casino arcade [02]
Asbury Park Casino arcade [01]
Remains of east section of the Casino
Asbury Park Heating Plant [02]
Asbury Park Heating Plant [01]
Asbury Park Casino interior
Asbury Park Casino carousel house interior [01]
Dome on the Asbury Park Casino [01]
View across the Baltimore Inner Harbor [02]
View from the Baltimore World Trade Center, facing southeast
View from the Baltimore World Trade Center, facing southeast
View across the Baltimore Inner Harbor
Hilltop House, viewed from Maryland Heights [01]
Hilltop House, viewed from Maryland Heights [02]
Hilltop House, viewed from Maryland Heights [03]
Roanoke, Virginia [01]
Roanoke, Virginia [02]
Top of the New Street garage