Gamewell fire alarm box in Ridgewood, New Jersey [05]
Gamewell fire alarm box in Ridgewood, New Jersey [06]
Gamewell fire alarm box in Ridgewood, New Jersey [07]
Employee call button
Pedestrian signal call sensor at Metcalfe and Nepean Streets [01]
Pedestrian signal call sensor at Metcalfe and Nepean Streets [02]
Call for management for large bills
Sun-faded Autocall pull station [01]
Sun-faded Autocall pull station [02]
Pedestrian call button at West Lawrence Avenue and North Oakley Avenue [01]
Pedestrian call button at West Lawrence Avenue and North Oakley Avenue [02]
Emergency call box beacon at East 55th Street station
"Shop Safe" sign at King of Prussia Mall
Fleet of the Future Expo [07]
Fleet of the Future Expo [08]
Sign regarding phone calls at East Bay Deli
Coast RTA bus 5702 at Myrtle Beach Transfer Center [02]
Elevator phone at JCPenney in Greenbrier Mall