D-Hall pizza [02]
Harrisonburg from above JMU east campus parking garage
D-Hall pizza [05]
D-Hall pizza [06]
D-Hall pizza [04]
D-Hall pizza [01]
D-Hall pizza [07]
D-Hall pizza [03]
Harrisonburg Transit bus 2044
Student reading in Astronomy Park
Second floor men's restroom at Gabbin Hall [01]
Men's restroom in Wilson Hall
Kent State University May 4 Visitors Center [06]
Second-floor restroom at Zane Showker Hall
Moody Hall computer lab
New D-Hall [01]
New D-Hall [02]
New D-Hall [07]
New D-Hall [09]
New D-Hall [08]
New D-Hall [03]
New D-Hall [04]
New D-Hall [06]
New D-Hall [05]
Students relaxing on Hillside Field
Second floor men's restroom at Gabbin Hall [03]
Second floor men's restroom at Gabbin Hall [02]
Stuffed dog at JMU bookstore
Simplex fire alarm speaker/strobe at D-Hall [01]
Simplex fire alarm speaker/strobe at D-Hall [02]
Fire alarm pull station in Gabbin Hall
Simplex fire alarm speaker/strobe at D-Hall [03]
Former fire alarm at Gabbin Hall
Simplex speaker/strobe in Gabbin Hall [03]
Simplex speaker/strobe in Gabbin Hall [01]
Simplex speaker/strobe in Gabbin Hall [02]
Connector between Zane Showker Hall and Hartman Hall [01]
Elevator at Gabbin Hall
Elevators at Zane Showker Hall
Mister Chips [02]
Harrisonburg Transit bus 49 at Hoffman Hall
Bell at Gabbin Hall [03]
Harrisonburg Transit bus 55 at Varner House
Miller Hall interior corridor
UTS bus 4636 on McCormick Road
JMU Box 2732 [02]
Gabbin Hall, Room G1 [01]
Interior of Harrisonburg Transit bus 53
Harrisonburg Transit bus 49 at Godwin Hall
Rowan University bookstore
UTS bus 1437 on McCormick Road
The Quad
UTS bus 1237 crossing University Avenue
Room 2104 at Zane Showker Hall [03]
Gabbin Hall [04]
ISAT/CS Building at night [03]
ISAT/CS Building at night [04]
Students relaxing on the Quad [01]
Wildfire visible from the JMU campus
JMU East Campus
Village and Lake areas at James Madison University
Historical marker for Kent State shootings
Potomac Hall fire alarm control panel
Train arriving at Arlington Cemetery station
Wilson Hall cupola [01]
Fire alarm in Roop Hall [01]
Festival Conference and Student Center [01]
Simplex fire alarm speaker/strobe
Standard bell at Maury Hall
Standard horn with double projector
University of Virginia Rotunda
Fire alarm pull station in Potomac Hall
Wilson Hall
Fire alarm in Roop Hall [02]
Fire alarm in Roop Hall [03]
Maury Hall computer lab [02]
Standard pull station
Resetting the fire alarm system
Trafflc signals over Bluestone Drive and Duke Drive [01]
Trafflc signals over Bluestone Drive and Duke Drive [03]