DC Transit 1101
Haagsche Tramweg-Maatschappij 1329 [04]
Haagsche Tramweg-Maatschappij 1329 [02]
Haagsche Tramweg-Maatschappij 1329 [03]
Selfie aboard car 3189
Selfie on WMATA railcar 6042
Orange Line train at Largo Town Center
Former Skokie Swift cars
Purple Line train at Davis station [01]
Red Line train arriving at Brookland-CUA [02]
Blue Line train arrives at McPherson Square station
Signage above the platform escalators at Vienna
Interior of WMATA railcar 1162
Orange Line train arriving at New Carrollton
Platform at Franconia-Springfield [02]
Haagsche Tramweg-Maatschappij 1329 [01]
WMATA railcar 2042 at Franconia-Springfield station
Van Dorn Street station [01]
Signage for trains towards Largo at Ashburn station [02]
Red Line north of Fort Totten
Downeaster conductor
Panhandle Bridge
Brown Line train on Wells Street Bridge [01]
Purple Line train on Wells Street Bridge [03]
Purple Line train on Wells Street Bridge [01]
Tower 18 interlocking [01]
Brown Line train on Wells Street Bridge [01]
Selfie on CTA car 5436 [01]
Selfie on CTA car 5436 [03]
Purple and Brown Line trains on the Wells Street Bridge
Purple Line train on Wells Street Bridge [02]
Selfie on CTA car 5436 [04]
Wells Street Bridge
Selfie on CTA car 5436 [02]
Amtrak Superliner II fire alarms [02]
Amfleet restroom
"Notify crew member when flashing" strobe
Acela Express business class coach [03]
Interior of R10 car 3189
Amtrak Superliner dining car [01]
Elyse smiles on car 3189
Amtrak Superliner II fire alarms [01]
Wiehle-Reston East
Train arriving at Arlington Cemetery station
Acela Express accessible restroom
Purple Line train at Davis station [02]
WMATA railcar 3208 at L'Enfant Plaza station [01]
WMATA railcar 3208 at L'Enfant Plaza station [02]
Train at Addison Road station
Blue Line train arriving at Arlington Cemetery station
Interior of Washington Metro car 4090
Blue Line train at Arlington Cemetery
Flip-dot sign error
Emergency intercom on car 3276
Red Line to Brookland-CUA
1 train approaching 135th Street
Train at College Park station
Emergency intercom on car 1245
Shady Grove station [01]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad station [06]
"SPECIAL" sign on Red Line
Interior of WMATA railcar 5134
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad tracks [03]
Red Line train at Rockville station
Red Line train arriving at Brookland-CUA [01]
Emergency intercom on car 4018
Largo Town Center station [01]
Largo Town Center station [02]
Columbia Heights station
WMATA 5000-Series operator's console
New Carrollton rail yard
Glenmont station [03]
Two trains at Smithsonian station
WMATA railcar 3217 approaching Grosvenor-Strathmore
Train at Stadium-Armory [01]
Acela Express business class coach [02]
Handrail on Washington Metro car 3254
Ashburn station, viewed from the parking garage
Last car of the Capitol Limited
Elyse rides on WMATA railcar 2056