- WMATA railcar 3217 approaching Grosvenor-Strathmore
- Two trains at Smithsonian station
- Red Line to Rhode Island Avenue
- Red Line train at Rockville station
- Yellow Line train at King Street station
- Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel, westbound [03]
- Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel, westbound [02]
- Sign for Exit 268
- Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel, westbound [01]
- Interstate 64 westbound in Hampton, Virginia
- Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel, westbound [05]
- Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel, westbound [04]
- Yellow Line train at Huntington [01]
- Yellow Line train at Huntington [04]
- Yellow Line train at Huntington [05]
- Yellow Line train at Huntington [02]
- WMATA railcar 5026 at Fort Totten
- "YELLOW" on destination sign
- Emergency intercom on car 1245
- Yellow Line train at Huntington [03]
- Taxicab and Metrobus on I Street NW
- 1991 Toyota Previa LE [01]
- 1991 Toyota Previa LE [03]
- 1991 Toyota Previa LE [02]
- 1991 Toyota Previa LE [04]
- 1991 Toyota Previa LE [05]
- 1991 Toyota Previa LE [08]
- 1991 Toyota Previa LE [07]
- 1991 Toyota Previa LE [06]
- Third-generation Mercury Sable wagon
- Branch Avenue station from Capital Gateway Drive
- Interior of WMATA railcar 1112
- Handrail on Washington Metro car 3254
- Red Line train servicing Grosvenor-Strathmore station
- Red Line train after departing Grosvenor
- Emergency intercom on car 4018
- O Street Giant Food store [01]
- K Street under Washington Circle
- Sable at House Mountain overlook [03]
- Sable at Purgatory Mountain overlook [02]
- Sable at House Mountain overlook [01]
- Sable at House Mountain overlook [02]
- Sable at Purgatory Mountain overlook [01]
- Breezewood, Pennsylvania
- Sheetz in Breezewood, Pennsylvania [02]
- Gateway Travel Plaza [01]
- Sheetz in Breezewood, Pennsylvania [01]
- Interior of WMATA railcar 3267
- Red Line train arriving at Brookland-CUA [01]
- New Carrollton rail yard
- Gentex auto-dimming mirror
- Sable at Foamhenge
- Orange Line train at Largo Town Center
- Yellow Line train to Franconia-Springfield
- Blue Line train to Rosslyn [02]
- Yellow Line train at Franconia-Springfield
- Orange Line train to Largo Town Center
- Blue Line trains at Eisenhower Avenue
- Blue Line train to Rosslyn [01]
- Blue Line train at Huntington [02]
- Blue Line train at Huntington [01]
- Yellow Line train at Van Dorn Street
- Blue Line train to Franconia-Springfield
- Two Sable wagons
- Ford Taurus on 7th Street NW
- Ford Taurus on 9th Street NW
- Single tracking at Eisenhower Avenue [01]
- Single tracking at Eisenhower Avenue [02]
- PM35 at Eisenhower Avenue
- Ford Taurus SHO [02]
- Ford Taurus SHO [01]
- Second-generation Mercury Sable at Vienna Metro station
- Metropolitan Police car on 23rd Street NW
- Bentley S2 at Fairmont Hotel
- Mercury Sable with ground lighting illuminated [01]
- Mercury Sable with ground lighting illuminated [02]
- Sign marking Buena Vista
- Interior of WMATA railcar 6026 [01]
- 6000-Series train at Fort Totten
- Metro 6000-Series threshold lighting