1815 North Fort Myer Drive
Harrisonburg Transit bus 49 at Hoffman Hall
View from John Hancock Center [01]
Traffic at a signal on North Lake Shore Drive
North Lake Shore Drive and ramp from Michigan Avenue
Apartment buildings along East Lake Shore Drive
Early voting at Bauer Drive Community Recreation Center
Exterior of Olney Indoor Swim Center [01]
Five Guys in a former Pizza Hut [01]
Five Guys in a former Pizza Hut [02]
Smurfs in a claw machine
Exterior of Olney Indoor Swim Center [02]
Ellenco 5C at 9715 Medical Center Drive
Cans of Surge for sale
Former McDonald's in Catonsville, Maryland [06]
Former McDonald's in Catonsville, Maryland [05]
Former McDonald's in Catonsville, Maryland [04]
Former McDonald's in Catonsville, Maryland [03]
Former McDonald's in Catonsville, Maryland [02]
Former McDonald's in Catonsville, Maryland [01]
Home Depot in Hanover, Pennsylvania
Taco Bell in Waynesboro, Virginia
Former alignment of Shenandoah Village Drive
Taco Bell at Waynesboro Town Center [02]
Taco Bell at Waynesboro Town Center [01]
Augusta Health [01]
Augusta Health [02]
Augusta Health [03]
Augusta Health [04]
Augusta Health [05]
Augusta Health [06]
Augusta Health [07]
Augusta Health [08]
Augusta Health [09]
"Heroes work here!" sign
Intersection of South Medical Park Drive and Lifecore Drive
Fishersville, Virginia, near Augusta Health
Culpeper Colonnade shopping center
NTT Global Data Centers Ashburn facility [01]
NTT Global Data Centers Ashburn facility [02]
NTT Global Data Centers Ashburn facility [03]
NTT Global Data Centers Ashburn facility [04]
NTT Global Data Centers Ashburn facility [05]
NTT Global Data Centers Ashburn facility [06]
Fulton Bank at Hollymead Town Center
Banana selfie
Ball-shaped Coke bottles
Salt shaker display at Nauticus
O&K logo on escalator landing
Upper level exhibit space at Nauticus
Artillery shell vs. Volkswagen Beetle
"Changing channels" exhibit at Nauticus
Escalator to upper level at Nauticus
Main deck of USS Wisconsin [02]
Main deck of USS Wisconsin [01]
Kiosk ordering only at Taco Bell
Opal apple at Giant Food [01]
Granny Smith apple at Giant Food [02]
Honeycrisp apple at Giant Food
Cap on a milk carton [01]
Opal apple at Giant Food [02]
Avocado skin
Cap on a milk jug
Cap on a bottle of Sprite
Granny Smith apple at Giant Food [01]
Cap on a milk carton [02]
McIntosh apple at Giant Food
Cap on a bottle of chocolate syrup
Kiwi fruit at Giant Food
Fire alarm strobe at Giant Food in Gaithersburg, Maryland
View of Waynesboro, Virginia from above Waynesboro Town Center shopping center [03]
View of Waynesboro, Virginia from above Waynesboro Town Center shopping center [01]
View of Waynesboro, Virginia from above Waynesboro Town Center shopping center [04]
View of Waynesboro, Virginia from above Waynesboro Town Center shopping center [02]
Pyrotronics pull station at Crossroads Professional Center
Cookie with a chocolate happy face
Row of HR-Vs at Walmart in Frederick, Maryland
Neyland Drive and James White Parkway
Micro Center in Rockville, Maryland
SpectrAlert Advance at Frederick Walmart