Fountain behind Pentagon City Mall [03]
Fountain behind Pentagon City Mall [02]
Fountain behind Pentagon City Mall [01]
South Mountain rest area, westbound [03]
Downtown Cumberland, Maryland [03]
Rainbow in North Tower fountain
Interior of Owings Mills Mall [07]
Closed water fountains
Closed water fountains at Walmart
Water fountain at Staunton Mall
Corridor between Peebles and Montgomery Ward [04]
Center court at Staunton Mall [01]
Center court at Staunton Mall [06]
Center court at Staunton Mall [05]
Center court at Staunton Mall [04]
Center court at Staunton Mall [03]
Center court at Staunton Mall [02]
Soda fountain on USS Wisconsin [02]
Water fountain on USS Wisconsin
Soda fountain on USS Wisconsin [01]
Closed water fountains at Barnes & Noble
World Trade Center Memorial [01]
World Trade Center Memorial [02]
Water fountains at Washington Crown Center
Fountain at King of Prussia