Green Line train at Morgan Station
"Stop and kiss"
Tower 18 interlocking [08]
Tower 18 interlocking [06]
Tower 18 interlocking [07]
Tower 18 interlocking [05]
Tower 18 interlocking [04]
Tower 18 interlocking [03]
Tower 18 interlocking [02]
Wells Street Bridge
Brown Line train on Wells Street Bridge [01]
Brown Line train on Wells Street Bridge [01]
Purple Line train on Wells Street Bridge [03]
Purple Line train on Wells Street Bridge [02]
Purple and Brown Line trains on the Wells Street Bridge
Tower 18 interlocking [01]
Purple Line train on Wells Street Bridge [01]
Thunderbolt siren at North Milwaukee Avenue and Golf Road [02]
Thunderbolt siren at North Milwaukee Avenue and Golf Road [03]
Panhandler on North Milwaukee Avenue
Thunderbolt siren at North Milwaukee Avenue and Golf Road [01]
"Do not feed the birds" sign
Interior of CTA car 5414
Train departs Chicago station
Train arriving at Jackson station
Elyse gives the finger
Elyse gives a look to the camera
Kyle poses for the camera
Red Line platform at Jackson station [02]
Red Line platform at Jackson station [01]
CTA signal A59 at Jackson station [02]
CTA signal A59 at Jackson station [01]
View east from Roosevelt platform
View west from Roosevelt platform
COVID-era signage still in place at Jackson station
Directional sign at Jackson station
Clock at Ogilvie Transportation Center [02]
Clock at Ogilvie Transportation Center [01]
Main hall at Ogilvie Transportation Center
Elyse hangs from a train
"STAIRS" sign at Ogilvie Transportation Center [02]
"STAIRS" sign at Ogilvie Transportation Center [01]
Metra train arrives at Davis Street station
Maintenance vehicle just north of Davis Street station
Graffiti on "L" train support
Davis Street Metra station
Platform at Ogilvie Transportation Center
Interior of Metra railcar
Selfie on CTA car 5436 [04]
Selfie on CTA car 5436 [03]
Selfie on CTA car 5436 [02]
Selfie on CTA car 5436 [01]
Interior of CTA car 5436 [02]
Interior of CTA car 5436 [01]
Elyse enjoys the CTA heat lamps at Howard [02]
Elyse enjoys the CTA heat lamps at Howard [01]
Concrete planters beneath the Brown Line tracks
Turn signage at the intersection of two alleys [02]
Turn signage at the intersection of two alleys [01]
"SPEED HUMP AHEAD" sign [02]
"NO TURN ON RED" sign at North Lincoln and West Wilson Avenues [02]
"NO TURN ON RED" sign at North Lincoln and West Wilson Avenues [01]
"SPEED HUMP AHEAD" sign [01]
Alley west of North Oakley Avenue [03]
Alley west of North Oakley Avenue [02]
Pedestrian call button at West Lawrence Avenue and North Oakley Avenue [02]
Traffic signal at West Lawrence Avenue and North Oakley Avenue [03]
Traffic signal at West Lawrence Avenue and North Oakley Avenue [02]
Traffic signal at West Lawrence Avenue and North Oakley Avenue [01]
Pedestrian call button at West Lawrence Avenue and North Oakley Avenue [01]
Parking lot beneath the CTA tracks
CTA bus stop sign at West Lawrence Avenue and North Oakley Avenue
Two-way traffic sign on North Oakley Avenue [02]
Two-way traffic sign on North Oakley Avenue [01]
"DO NOT ENTER" sign with religious graffiti
Alley between North Claremont and North Oakley Avenues [03]
Alley between North Claremont and North Oakley Avenues [02]
"THRU TRAFFIC PROHIBITED" sign at an alley entrance [02]
"THRU TRAFFIC PROHIBITED" sign at an alley entrance [01]
Van traverses a speed hump