Fountain at Delta Chelsea Hotel
Inauguration protest, 2005 [13]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [14]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [14]
Taxpayer March on Washington [06]
Sign about stairs at Olney Indoor Swim Center
Forward on Climate Rally [36]
Asbury Park beach rules
Warning: Children in this community protected by child registry
Vintage Toys "R" Us sign [01]
Vintage Toys "R" Us sign [02]
Vintage Toys "R" Us sign [04]
Vintage Toys "R" Us sign [03]
Vintage Toys "R" Us sign [05]
Vintage Toys "R" Us sign [06]
Kids' check-in station at the Chelsea Hotel
DeJarnette Center, 2020 [11]
DeJarnette Center, 2020 [12]
DeJarnette Center, 2020 [10]
Children's play area in Staunton Mall [01]
Belk men's store at Charlottesville Fashion Square [01]
Belk men's store at Charlottesville Fashion Square [02]
Closed sink at Belk men's store
"Thank you Shoppers employees"
Toys "R" Us store-within-a-store at the Macy's New York City flagship store [01]
Toys "R" Us in Gatineau, Quebec [02]
Toys "R" Us in Gatineau, Quebec [01]
Alley speed limit sign
Weathered poster on a utility pole
Meijer in Maumee, Ohio [06]
Emergency instructions at IKEA
Toys "R" Us store-within-a-store at the Macy's New York City flagship store [02]