"All services are new. Repeats left to TV."
"Be Someone That Makes You Happy"
"Does your spiritual house need spring cleaning?"
"Easter should not be the only day you are here"
"Free trip to heaven. Details inside."
"If you have a kind thought, share it now."
"Jesus is coming soon"
"JESUS LOVES YOU" in chalk at Sheetz
"Keep praying, keep distance, God is near"
"This church is prayer conditioned"
"Try our Sundays. They are better than Good Humor."
"Under same management for over 2000 years"
"When we do small things, God can make it big"
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [01]
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [02]
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [03]
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [04]
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [05]
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [06]
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [07]
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [08]
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [09]
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [10]
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [11]
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [12]
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [13]
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [14]
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [15]
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [16]
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [17]
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [18]
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [19]
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [20]
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [21]
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [22]
Aerial view of East Liberty Presbyterian Church [23]
Arlington Temple United Methodist Church
Arlington Temple United Methodist Church
Baum Boulevard, facing east
Bedford Street
Beverley Manor Elementary School [01]
Beverley Manor Elementary School [02]
Carved graffiti on a tree in Patapsco Valley State Park [01]
Carved graffiti on a tree in Patapsco Valley State Park [02]
Carved graffiti on a tree in Patapsco Valley State Park [03]
Carved graffiti on a tree in Patapsco Valley State Park [04]
Cathedral of Hope [01]
Cathedral of Hope [02]
Christopher Newport Cross [01]
Christopher Newport Cross [02]
Christopher Newport Cross [03]
Christopher Newport Cross [04]
Cross and flag display at Restoration Fellowship Church [01]
Cross and flag display at Restoration Fellowship Church [02]
Cupola at Gonzaga College High School
East Liberty Presbyterian Church [01]
East Liberty Presbyterian Church [02]
East Liberty Presbyterian Church [03]
East Liberty Presbyterian Church [04]
East Liberty Presbyterian Church [05]
East Liberty Presbyterian Church [06]
East Liberty Presbyterian Church [07]
East Liberty Presbyterian Church [08]
Edge Hill Cemetery [25]
Edge Hill Cemetery [26]
Edge Hill Cemetery [27]
Edge Hill Cemetery [49]
Elyse sits in a concrete pipe
Finley Memorial Presbyterian Church
Former Waldenbooks store space [01]
Former Waldenbooks store space [02]
Graffiti at former St. Mary's College [01]
Graffiti at former St. Mary's College [02]
Graffiti at former St. Mary's College [03]
Graffiti at former St. Mary's College [04]
Graffiti at former St. Mary's College [05]
Hell House [01]
Hell House [02]
Hell House [03]
Hell House [04]