Payphones at New Market rest area
Third-generation Mercury Sable
Payphones at Landover station
Payphone at New Market rest area [02]
Payphone at New Market rest area [01]
Sandy Point State Park [59]
Sandy Point State Park [43]
Laundry coin slot
Abandoned payphone at Glen Echo Park [01]
Abandoned payphone at Glen Echo Park [02]
Coin-operated viewfinder [01]
Coin-operated viewfinder [02]
1991 Nickel
Sideling Hill rest area [04]
Enclosed portion of the Centre at Glen Burnie [03]
Closed candy machine at Arundel Mills [01]
Closed candy machine at Arundel Mills [02]
Closed kiddie ride at Arundel Mills [01]
Closed kiddie ride at Arundel Mills [02]
Closed kiddie ride at Arundel Mills [03]
"This ride has been sanitized"
Wishing Well Coin Race [02]
Carousel in Staunton Mall's Belk wing
Gumball kiosk in Staunton Mall [01]
Wishing Well Coin Race [01]
Gumball kiosk in Staunton Mall [02]
Video Zone arcade [01]
Video Zone arcade [02]
Video Zone arcade [03]
Woomy after a trip to IKEA [01]
Woomy after a trip to IKEA [02]
"Praise Dobler"
Broken payphone in Philadelphia
Red Bull vending machine
Parking meter on South Market Street
Coin-operated viewer at Sideling Hill cut [02]
Coin-operated viewer at Sideling Hill cut [01]
Elyse checks a payphone
Elyse plays a round of Galaga
Payphone in Head Waters, Virginia [01]
Payphone in Head Waters, Virginia [02]
Sun Drop vending machine
Gum and candy vending machines
Elyse poses with two vending machines
Coin tower at Dave & Buster's
Southwestern end of Tanglewood Mall
Payphone at Geraci's Slice Shop [01]
Payphone at Geraci's Slice Shop [02]
Detroit People Mover token [01]
Detroit People Mover token [02]
Jefferson Coin in Charlottesville, Virginia
Payphone at Montauk Point