Glory of the Chinese Descendants [01]
Rhode Island Avenue Center
Flags over the entrance to Union Station Metro
1000-Series train at Gallery Place-Chinatown station
SunTrust Bank near the White House
View from Rhode Island Avenue station, facing south
1000-Series train at Union Station
4000-Series train enters Rhode Island Avenue station
Red Line train departing Rhode Island Avenue station
Glory of the Chinese Descendants [02]
Metro Center station [01]
Metro Center station [02]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [14]
Farragut North station [01]
Woodley Park-Zoo/Adams Morgan station [01]
Woodley Park-Zoo/Adams Morgan station [02]
Brookland-CUA station
Train at Takoma station
Outbound end of Gallery Place-Chinatown station
Brookland-CUA station entrance pylon
Farragut North station [02]
Friendship Heights station [01]
Tenleytown-AU station
Van Ness-UDC station [01]
Cleveland Park station entrance pylon
July 4 banner at Federal Triangle station
Curved platform at Brookland-CUA
Red Line train at Metro Center
Red Line to Brookland-CUA
1000-Series train at Metro Center
Gallery Place-Chinatown upper level
Gallery Place-Chinatown station entrance pylon
"SPECIAL" sign on Red Line
Train at Cleveland Park station
Cleveland Park station [02]
Cleveland Park station [01]
Woodley Park-Zoo collision
New York Avenue station entrance pylon [01]
Red Line train at New York Ave-Florida Ave-Gallaudet U station
Inauguration protest, 2005 [08]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [23]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [04]
New York Avenue station entrance pylon [02]
Scientology stress tests
A16 World Bank protest [03]
Elevator entrance at Tenleytown-AU station
Dupont Circle station
Two strobes from different manufacturers
Red Line to Rhode Island Avenue
Ceiling at Van Ness-UDC station
Ceiling at Metro Center
Fire alarm at Loews L'Enfant Plaza Hotel
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [28]
PIDS screen at Dupont Circle
Friendship Heights station [02]
Friendship Heights station entrance pylon [02]
Friendship Heights station entrance pylon [01]
Traffic signal in Scott Circle
Pro-Life Demonstration at the Supreme Court [02]
Pro-Life Demonstration at the Supreme Court [01]
Handrail on Washington Metro car 3254
Dupont Circle station entrance pylon
Overhead sign for Interstate 70
Interior of WMATA railcar 3267
Red Line train arriving at Brookland-CUA [01]
No Armageddon For Bush [10]
Red Line at New Hampshire Avenue [02]
Ford Taurus on 9th Street NW
Metropolitan Police car on 23rd Street NW
New York Avenue station entrance pylon [03]
Interlocking signal at Anacostia station
Metropolitan Police car on 11th Street NW
Takoma station
Traffic light along M Street NW
Colorful rowhouses at 25th and M Streets NW [02]
Colorful rowhouses at 25th and M Streets NW [01]
Snow emergency route sign
Splurge on my Surge
J27 Anti-War Demonstration [14]