Metrobus 2376 on H Street NW
1200 block of H Street NW
McDonald's at 13th Street and New York Avenue NW
Taxicab on New York Avenue NW
Souvenir hoodies
619 H Street NW
Urinal at Shake Shack in Dupont Circle
Overturned shopping cart
Fire alarm upgrade at 1616 P Street NW [01]
Fire alarm upgrade at 1616 P Street NW [02]
PIDS screen at Gallery Place-Chinatown station
Columbia Heights station entrance
Global Frackdown
Ryan Rastegar and Katy Kiefer
Honda Prelude destroyed by falling tree [02]
Honda Prelude destroyed by falling tree [01]
Bad credit card
Basketball goal at Stead Park [02]
1616 P Street NW [02]
Cafe Green
"ONE LOVE" sign
Please, no dogs
Spraying water on Webster House
Whole Foods P Street NW
Discarded earplugs along P Street NW
Metrobus 7207 at 16th and P Streets NW
Pedestrian signal at 15th and P Streets NW
Flamingo at the National Zoo
Asian elephant at the National Zoo [02]
Asian elephant at the National Zoo [01]
Lion at the National Zoo
Full cart at Whole Foods
View down Pennsylvania Avenue NW from the Old Post Office Tower [01]
View down Pennsylvania Avenue NW from the Old Post Office Tower [02]
Walmart on Georgia Avenue NW [01]
Walmart on Georgia Avenue NW [02]
Walmart on H Street NW [01]
Walmart on H Street NW [02]
Walmart on H Street NW [03]
Walmart on H Street NW [04]
Walmart on H Street NW [05]
Metro Center station entrance pylon
Building with hole in stucco
Snow car
16th and Buchanan Streets NW
Metrobus 5311 at Archives
Metrobus 2137 at 14th and Colorado [01]
Metrobus 2137 at 14th and Colorado [02]
Metrobus 2137 at 14th and Colorado [03]
Metrobus 2423 on Rhode Island Avenue
Cherry blossoms in Petworth
4601 16th Street NW [01]
4601 16th Street NW [02]
New Hampshire Avenue in Petworth
Metrobus 2113 at Federal Triangle [01]
Metrobus 2113 at Federal Triangle [02]
Sign on Aspen Street NW
Dandelion [01]
Dandelion [02]
Dandelion [03]
RadioShack in Columbia Heights
Metrobus 6517 at Federal Triangle
WMATA Northern bus garage
Metrobus 6508 at Federal Triangle
Beer in a bag
New rowhouse in Petworth
Friendship Heights station [03]
HAWK beacon at 16th and Jonquil Streets NW [01]
HAWK beacon at 16th and Jonquil Streets NW [02]
Fire alarm at 4303 Connecticut Avenue NW
Van Ness-UDC station [02]
Van Ness-UDC station [03]
Fire alarm at 1621 Connecticut Avenue NW
Elyse smiling
People playing on the National Mall
Former Maso space
Carpet at Washington Convention Center
Mt. Vernon Square station [02]
Train at Foggy Bottom-GWU station
Foggy Bottom-GWU station [02]