Neon sign in restaurant window
Barrier in front of coffee bar at Wawa
Sign encouraging social distancing at Lowe's
"Welcome 2 Rocky's II"
Corridor at center entrance to Staunton Mall [02]
Corridor at center entrance to Staunton Mall [03]
Penthouse at Hotel 24 South [12]
Penthouse at Hotel 24 South [13]
Sign for Dumser's Drive-In
Piggly Wiggly in Mt. Olive, North Carolina [08]
Piggly Wiggly in Mt. Olive, North Carolina [07]
Sign for Monty's Penguin
Snack bar on the USS Wisconsin
Thousand Islands Bridge toll booth, USA side
Thousand Islands Bridge toll booth, Canada side
Bus stop sign at Greenbelt station
Spilled coffee at Panera Bread